

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Afar live in the horn of Africa.  They are nomadic and they come in two groups.  Asaemara (red ones) are royalty, and Adaemara (white ones) are the commoners.  They herd sheep, goats, cattle, and camels.  They moved to Ethiopia to raise cattle 1,000 years ago to raise cattle.  They are Sunni Muslim, but they still have traditional beliefs.  They speak Afar and use butter to style their hair.
Originally the Asaemara and Adaemara were 2 different people.  The Asaemara conquered the Adaemara. They later mixed together and became the same people.  Some of Afar clans came from Yemen.  The Afar use to be ancient Egyptians.  They help Ethiopian kings defeat their enemies.  They also supported a Muslim leader that tried to take over Ethiopia in the 16th and 19th century.    

Afar language has 4 dialects and it is related to the Saho language.  It is Cushite language.  Cushite languages are a part of the Afroasiatic language family.    
They are ruled by sultanates.  They are political and religious leaders.  The Afar select their own leaders. The people don't pay much attention to the government unless it's for water or medical care.  They have at least 4 kingdoms within 2 nations.  
The men like to carry swords and guns while marching.  They have many battle songs.  Women build the huts and milk goats.  People usually marry their first cousin.  It is a common Semitic custom.  Women vulvas get sewed up.  It is a common Cushite custom.  Men get circumcised when they reach a certain age. They carry talismans that have Koran verses in them.  They like to sharpen their teeth.  I think they want to look like reptoids.

The Afar people are sweet!!!!!!!!!!  They are like the Spartans.  They have colorful history and customs.  I like their democracy and their songs and dances.  They have faith in magic and they drink goat milk.  They should stop cutting on genitals and the men should treat women better.  I give them a B+.  


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