
Tuesday, August 27, 2024


It has been around 4 millennia!!!!!!  Prana and doshas are a big deal in this form of medicine.  It has 8 branches and diagnoses.  There are also 8 pillars of health.   Ayurveda can help you with sum of them, if not all.  Its was influenced by 2 Hindu philosophies.  Heavy metals have been found in sum of the medicines.  How's it doing now?
Ayurveda means science of life.  You can think of it as Hindu medicine.  Its popular in India and surrounding regions.  It maybe ova 5,000 years old!!!!!  It has many ways of preventing and curing diseases.  Herbalism is popular in this form of medicine.
Legend has it that it came from a text written ova 3500 years ago.  It may even date back to the Indus Valley Civilization.  There are 3 foundational texts of Ayurveda that survives to this day.  They are centuries or millennia years old.  This form of medicine became very popular in India during the middle ages.  Sum of the texts was translated into Chinese and later Arabic!!  After it was translated into Arabic it went to Europe a millennium ago!  English surgeons learned rhinoplasty from observing Indian surgeons perform it.  In the 20th century Indians debated if they should keep Ayurveda traditional or modernize it.  
All physical bodies contain the life-force.   If it becomes imbalanced we may develop a disease. The Hindus call it prana.  This energy is known around the world by different names.  The Chinese call it chi. the Japanese call ki, the Yoruba call it ashe, Hawaiians call it mana, Hebrews called it nefesh, etc.  This is the force of Star Wars.  
There are 5 different types of pranas.  They are as follows: Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana, and Samana.  They are all used by different parts of body. There are also 5 Upa-Pranas.  They play a supportive role in certain activities.  
These are a combination of elements.  There are 3 of them.  They are called as vata, pitta and kapha.  Vata is space & air, pitta is fire and water, and kapha is water and earth.  Everyone have all these doshas, but one or more of them are dominate.  These configurations have pros and cons.   
8 Branches
Salyatantra: It's surgery and removing objects from inside the body.  

Rasayantantra: Tonics for improving intellect or strength and/or increasing the life span.  

Kayachikitsa: This is internal medicine.  

Vājīkaraṇatantra: This is sexual medicine.  It is similar to Viagra, Horny Goat Weed, etc.

Kaumāra-bhṛtya: This pediatrics and baby care.  

Śhālākyatantra: This deals with ears, eyes, mouth and any other hole of the head.   

Bhūtavidyā: It is psychiatry and depossession.

Vishagara-vairodh Tantra:  This is dealing with toxins and their antidotes.      
8 Diagnoses
Eyes: 'They look @ the sclera, size of eyeball, shape, and dryness.'  It will tell  the doctor if the patient has metabolic diseases.

Tongue: 'The shape, coating and color' will tell the doctor if the patient have issues with there doshas.
Voice: The volume and quality can tell the doctor about disease progression. 

Pulse: It tells them which dosha is primary 2 the patient.  It is the main form of diagnosis in Ayurveda.

Skin: It tells the doctor if the patient has chronic illness.

Body: A person's appearance tells the doctor about their 'stamina, strength and prana.'  Also tells them about certain diseases.   

Urine: The color and frequency is checked.  

Stool: It can reveal problems with the doshas.  
8 Pillars
They are as fellows: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, occupational, financial, and environmental.

Physical: To be healthy we need the proper nutrition, exercise and sleep.  

Emotional: We should mediate, so we can feel better.  We should also find ways to increase our EQ, which will cause us to happier.  

Intellectual: Find ways to stimulate your brain.  You can learn new language, read books, take a class on any subject, become more creative, debate, etc.

Spiritual: Mediation is good 4 this as well.  Prayer can help with this; doing religious and/or magical rituals, chanting, etc.  Look 4 ways to connect to the deity or deities you believe in.     

Social: We should become friends with people that are kind us and care about us.  Our greatest amount of happiness comes from the positive relationships with each other.  

Occupational: Our jobs should be something that gives us joy.  Monetize your happiness, so you get paid doing what you love.  

Financial: Make a budget so you will have enough to bills every mouth.  Save sum of your money, invest sum of it and spend sum of it.  

Environmental: Make sure you keep your living space clean.  Our lives depend on the environment, so fix it.  If it gets to bad we'll cease to exist!!!!!!
Samkhya and Vaisheshika are the names of the schools of thought, which has a big impact on Ayurveda.  Yoga is a great complement to this form of medicine.  Yoga is based on Samkhya as well.  Ayurveda will help you heal the body and brain.  Yoga will help you heal the the mind and spirit.  
Samkhya is oldest Hindu philosophy.  There are 5 elements that make up the universe.  They are as follows: space, air, fire, water, earth.  They correspond to the 5 senses.  Spirit and matter is called purusha and prakriti.  This philosophy helps us free ourselves from pain. 
Vaisheshika is another Hindu philosophy.  It knew about atoms and has 4 types of them.  It has its own epistemology.  You can only know by perception and inference.  There are 9 elements: time, space, soul, mind, and the 5 from above.    
Heavy Metals
Some Ayurvedic medicine contain lead, arsenic, iron, mercury, and/or zinc.  Lead, mercury and arsenic are toxic 4 the human body.  Our body need iron and zinc, but only a certain amount.  If we exceed that amount, our bodies will experience discomfort.  These heavy metals can cause us high blood pressure, kidney damage, it could injure our nervous system and/or our digestive system.   
Ayurveda is the most popular type of  medicine in India.  It's being implemented in Western hospitals, because it so effective.  In the United States Ayurvedic medicine is regulated as supplements.  Which makes it easier to buy. National Ayurvedic Medical Association was created in the U.S.   There are 3 levels in this organization.  Health counselor, practitioner, and doctor.  The counselor helps with prevention of disease and promotion of health via diet and lifestyle.  Practitioners have "clinical training" and know about disease pathology.  A doctor 'gets more specialized training' in Ayurvedic Medicine and they learn about allopathic medicine.  
Ayurveda is a very ancient form of Indian medicine.  It is ova 3500 years old!!!!  It focus a lot on prana and doshas.  It has 8 branches and diagnoses.  It can help you in sum if not all areas of life.  It is based on 2 Hindu philosophies.  Sum Ayurvedic medicine have heavy metals in it, so be careful.  It's popular in @ least 2 continents.         
Ayurveda in the Land of Milk & Honey