

Thursday, December 22, 2022


SVR is Russia's foreign intelligence organization.  It's the Russian version of BND.  It has a certain structure and departments.  It has a long history; it used to known as KGB.  They have done many operations.  They work with various intelligence agencies in other countries.  They assassinated several people and engaged in cyberterrorism. 
SVR is short 4 Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki.  It means foreign intelligence service.  They gather, analyze, and evaluate intelligence about countries that weren't apart of the Soviet Union.  It reports directly to the Russian president.  The president is given the preferred policies by them, unlike the U.S.  They make sure the country is safe, protect politicians and there families, surveillance, work with other intelligence agencies, and protect employees of Russian bizznesses overseas.     
It has "operational, analytical and functional units."  There are 11 operational units.  They observe different parts of the world.  Spooks are in the operational units.  They pretend to be diplomats or journalists when they are spying overseas.  The analytical units makes sense of the intel and report it.  The functional units are management and services.  
                                                                                 This is close enough.
  • "Directorate S, which is responsible for illegal agents (those under deep cover) throughout the world;
  • Directorate T, responsible for the collection of scientific and technological intelligence; and
  • Directorate K, which carries out infiltration of foreign intelligence and security services and exercises surveillance over Russian citizens abroad.
  • Service I, which analyzes and distributes intelligence collected by SVR foreign intelligence officers and agents, publishes a daily current events summaries for the Politburo, and make assessments of future world developments;
  • Service A, which is responsible for planning and implementing active measures; and
  • Service R, which evaluates SVR operations abroad.
  • The Foreign Intelligence Academy is the main training establishment for the SVR."

It was the successor of the KGB.  It got started officially in 1991.  The members of SVR feel it started in 1920, because that when Cheka started.  Then it was renamed 6 times b4 it was called SVR.  In the 1930's Russian intelligence worked with the Communist Party of USA to undermine the United States.  They were U.S. politicians that were Russian spies.  During the Cold War a U.S. Navy Chief became an asset of the KGB.  They crushed various revolts in European countries, because they are were anti-Soviet.      
                                                                          This man is thanking the SVR.
They have been undermining democracies in Europe and promoting hatred 4 the U.S.  They also support revolutionary and reactionary political groups.  Industrial espionage is something they excel @, so they can have technology as advanced as Western Europe.   The goal of SVR was to destabilize Western European countries.  They may have a different goal now. 
There was a FBI agent that sold secrets to the Russians.  He was imprisoned 4 it; he got out of prison in 2019.  @ least 2 CIA agents were turned by the KGB.  They were imprisoned 4 it.  One of them get out next year.  A German person gave helicopter info to SRV 4 $10,000.  10 SVR agents were arrested in the U.S. in 2010.  They may have wanted to turn a college graduate like they did in Great Britain.         
The SVR wanted to stop the expansion of NATO and so do I.  NATO should have dissolved after the Soviet Union.  That was the whole point of its existence!!!!  Now it is the military of the EU.  The fear of NATO expansion was the main reason Russia invaded Ukraine.  If there was no NATO, there wouldn't be a war.  NATO was created to stop the Soviets from invading Western Europe.  That is no longer a possibility.  

Sharing is Caring
Intelligence agencies of Belarus, Azerbaijan, and China work closely with SVR.  Together they working on stopping $ laundering, nukes getting into the wrong hands, training, and technical assistance.  Russia stopped sharing intelligence with China in 1959.  They started up again in 1992.   
                                                                                She's a Russian spy.
The KGB strangulated Abdurrahman Fatalibeyli because he was a traitor.  He was a major in the Soviet army.  Then he joined the Nazis after he was imprisoned in Poland.  After the Nazis lost the Battle of Berlin he became an asset of the CIA.  
The first president of Afghanistan was killed by a communist political party.  They most likely got help from the KGB.  He was a prince and he overthrew the Afghan monarchy, so he could create a one party political system.  Then there's karma.
Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev was the president of a Chechen Republic 4 a year.  The UN believed he was working with Al-Qaida.  He wanted to free tribes in the Caucasus Mountains from Russian tyranny.  He may have dipped his toe in Wahabbism, which is the worst form of Islam.  In 2004 a car bomb killed him.  
Alexander Litvinenko was a officer of FSB, b4 he defected 2 the UK.  He was critical of Putin and said Russia was a mafia state.  Russian cops were working with the Red Mafia when was living there.  Some of the ideas (sum or all of which my be true) of Alexander are as follows:  Russia was controlling terrorists around the world, Putin had Russian apartments bombed so he could become president, the hostage crisis in Moscow theatre was staged by FSB assets, Beslan school siege was allowed to happen by FSB, Ayman al-Zawahiri was trained by FSB, Putin is close friends with Semion Mogilevich (crime lord), Putin is a boy rapist and FSB knew about it, and the FSB was behind the Muhammad carton is Denmark.  He was poisoned by plutonium, because he talked to much.  Sometimes people die 4 telling the truth that others don't want the world to know.  Some people are willing to die to get the truth out, I admire them.  "It fortifies my soul to know, that though I perish.  The truth is so."    
There are many more assassinations, but this will suffice.    

SVR helped Trump get in office by demonizing Hillary Clinton.  They tried to help him again in 2020, but it didn't work.  Or maybe this is just propaganda.  '2011-2018 Russian cyber actors had multiple intrusion campaigns on U.S. and international energy sector organizations.'  Sandworm is using new malware on network devices.  They hacked into various levels of governments computers in the U.S.  The list goes on.  Click here to learn more.  

SVR gathers, analyzes, and reports foreign intelligence to Russian leaders.  It has a 3 tier structure and 7 departments.  It has been around since the 1991.  Russian intelligence agencies have been around for 102 years under different names.  They have engaged in many operations.  Sum intelligence agencies from other countries are friendly with them.  Many people have been assassinated by them.  They big on cyberterrorism.   



Sunday, December 4, 2022


They are German intelligence.  They have structure and departments.  It has been around since Germany was split in 2.  They have done many operations.  They have an great eye on the Middle East.  They have deals with the CIA.  When you hang with thugs you become a thief.  
Put on the closed caption if you don't speak German.  
They are the "foreign intelligence agency of Germany."  There job is to get intel on other countries.  They are like the German version of the CIA.  BND is a shorter way of saying Bundesnachrichtendienst.  In English that is Federal Intelligence Service.  They collect and analysis intel.  Then report it to the government.  The intel come from humans, signal and geospatial.  Most intelligence agencies don't do all 3.  They're pioneers!!!!  
Under the president is 3 vice presidents.  One of them is 4 military affairs.  The second one is ova intelligence gathering and threats to national security.  The final vice is ova everything else.  Such as administration, security, IT, and technological developments.   

Siginit is signals intelligence, which is getting intel electronically.  They collect and analysis it.  This may involve legal issues.  There are different sub-groups that deal with various aspects of siginit.  There are subgroups that deal with cyber intelligence as well.   

The co-operation model: find out who the victims are, the perpetrators, and why they did it.  This the model they follow when doing their job.  The structure of BND may be different now.  Because I don't know how old the information I received is.          

A&B: They "provide intelligence analysis" on different countries: military, economy, and government.  

TE: They deal with terrorism, organized criminal gangs, migration, money laundering, human and drug trafficking.     

TW: They deal with gun running and military technology.  They keep BND updated with advanced technology such as supercomputers.  

TA: They do siginit and they fight cyberterrorism.      

GU: They watch the world.  If there's any static they'll let agents know.  

IT: Computer geeks that build software for BND.  

ID: Trains the employees and give they health insurance.  

ZY: The administration of the BND.  They deal with legal issues and human resources.   

SI: Security, they keep staff and intel safe.  

UM: They control construction of "big projects."

It started when Germany was divide in half.  There was democratic west and the communist east.  It's predecessor was Foreign Army East.  It kept an eye on the Soviets in Eastern Europe.  The leader of that organization worked for the CIA after WWII.  He recruited Nazi officers 4 his organization.  In 1956 it became BND and was moved to Western Germany.       

Spying on East Germany: They knew almost everything about Eastern Germany.  Eyes and ears was on it in case the Soviets invade Western Europe.

Spying on Reporters: They spied on journalists for 12 years.  They wanted to know where they was getting there information from.  New laws was created to stop that from happening.  

CURVEBALL: He's an ex-Iraqi citizen that may worked on chemical weapons in Iraq.  BND and MI6 said he may not be trustworthy.  But the U.S. and the UK believed him anyway.  BND sent a letter to the CIA letting them know he was a scumbag.  It fell on blind eyes.     

Prisoner Exchange: BND helped Lebanon and Israel exchange prisoners in 2008. 

Turncoat: There was a double agent in the BND.  He was giving documents to the CIA.  BND was spying on people 4 the NSA.

Spying on Interpol: They kept a list of the police contact info.  They also spied on Europol.  They were doing this 4 years.  I assume new laws were created to stop that.     
Middle East Intelligence
I read they got the best intel on Middle Eastern countries since the 1960's.  They became close to Iraqi intelligence during the Iraq-Iran War.  Iraq wanted BND training and equipment and BND want info on terrorist groups in the Middle East.  Iraq received German spy tech and Iraqi spies were trained in Bavaria, Germany.  Iraqi spooks gave German spies info on the Red Army Faction.  Germany gave or sold weapons and military equipment to Iraq.    

Working with Crime Lords
The CIA and BND controlled a Swiss encryption company called Crypto AG.  Other countries got encryption from them.  The German and American (Statian) spooks were able to get past the encryption of other countries because they controlled Crypto AG.  They owned the company from 1970 to 1993.  After that only the CIA owned it until 2018.  
Overstepping your Bounds
In 2017 the BND spied on reporters from the BBC, Reuters, and New York Times was spied on.  They also spied on German citizens, so Angela Merkel and /or courts made new laws to stop that.  BND can only spy on foreigners if "there is evidence of a threat."  How can they get evidence if they don't snoop?  The law also protects journalists from outing their sources. 
The BND is like the German version of the CIA.  It has a complex structure and 10 departments.  It has been around 4 ova 50 years.  It has done several operations.  It is a whiz when it comes to the Middle East.  They did some dirt with the CIA and they spied on their own citizens.  