

Monday, January 24, 2022

The Grand Conspiracy of 9/11

The official story of 9/11 is a joke.  Pentagon staring being built on 9/11/1941 and Donald Rumsfeld said a cruise missile hit the pentagon.  Osama may have been an asset of the CIA during the 80's.  There was an explosion @ the World Trade Center (WTC) in the 90's.  What about Project New American Century (PNAC)?  Was there predictive programming in pop culture?  
Larry Sliverstein got terrorism insurance on the twin towers in April of 2001.  Carlyle Group made $ from it and Osama brother was an investor.   He did business with George W. Bush.  Could there be any other connection between the Bush and Bin Laden family?   

There were 4 war games going on during that time.  Why the narrative of Flight 93 change?  The twin towers were made to with stand multiple impacts from planes.  Building 7 went down and it wasn't hit by a plane; why did a reporter say it went down b4 it happened?  Why was there an explosion in the basement of the WTC?  There were several crisis actors on the scene.  
A passport of a hijacker was found, but the black boxes weren't found @ WTC.  15 of 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, but the U.S. neva went 2 war with that country.  Some of the hijackers were dead b4 9/11, some were alive after.  Why scapegoat Muslims?  

An official in the army said it was a Mossad operation.   We got to look @ Urban Moving Company.  There were dancing Israeli recording the destruction of twin towers.  Rumor has it, they had a van full of explosives and a map of New York City.  Did the FBI or CIA have any involvement?   
Check out Loose Change, it hit nail on the head.  Bill Copper knew the U.S. would attacked, months later he was killed by a sheriff.  What does this have to do with Freemasonry?  Why would someone think this was a ritual human sacrifice?           

It's odd that it was hit by cruise missile on 9/11/2001 and it started building constructed 60 years earlier on the same day.  189 people died from the attack.  Donald Rumsfeld said $2.3 trillion went missing by the Department of Defense.  The part of the pentagon that was hit by a missile would have found out what happen to the $.              
Cruise Missile
The official story is the pentagon was hit by Flight 77.  Very little wreckage was picked up.  If a plane hit the pentagon, there would've been a lot of wreckage.  The cruise missile that hit the pentagon may have come from a navy ship.  That didn't look like a plane in the second video, maybe it was.  There is list of people that died on Flight 77.  Maybe it was hit by a plane carrying a missile.  If it was truly hit by a plane why did Donald Rumsfeld say a cruise missile hit it?  Did he simply confuse a plane with a missile? Was it a slip of the tongue?  
CIA Asset
Osama bin Laden helped fund the Mujaheddin when they were fighting the Afghan government and  Soviets in the 80's.  He got other rich Arabs to to send $ as well.  The CIA gave weapons directly to Osama or to people he was close too.  Some people say his CIA name was Tim Osman.  I read in an article that someone from the CIA visited him when he was in a hospital.  Pakistani intelligence and Saudi intelligence helped the Mujaheddin as well.   These holy warriors were Islamic fundamentalists and drug traffickers.  The CIA gave machines to turn opium to heroin.  
Explosive 90's
On 2/26/1993 a bomb exploded in a parking garage of the WTC.  The fertilizer bomb was in a van.  It created a crater underneath the WTC.  It killed 6 people and injured 1,000+.  Islamic fundamentalists stole the van a day b4 the attacks.  Some of them went to a mosque.  Wahhabism most likely was taught @ this mosque.  The people behind this act of terrorism were arrested quickly the driver escaped, but not for long.  The driver was arrested 2 years later in Pakistan on my birthday 3/11.  

Emad Salem was an FBI informant.  He joined the terrorists to try and stop the bombing.  He was suppose to give them powder, so there wouldn't have been an explosion.  He kept recordings of his conversation with his FBI handlers, that why he didn't go to jail.  The FBI said it didn't know there was a plot to bomb WTC.  Who telling the truth? U decide.  

The driver's name is Ramzi Yousef.  He tried to kill Benazir Bhutto, but it was foiled. The explosion @ a Iranian shrine in 1994 may have been caused by him.  Later that year he planted a bomb on Philippine Airlines Flight 434.  1 person died and 10 people were injured on that plane.  There were other terrorists planning on blowing up some bridges and the UN building in NYC.  The FBI arrested them b4 they could do it.        
Project New American Century
This was a neoconservative think tank.  It was created by Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan in 1997.  The goal was to make the U.S. the leader of the world.  10 people that signed PNAC statement of principles were a part of the Bush Administration.  PNAC wanted a strong military and political and economic freedom abroad.  

Bill and Robert wanted to topple Saddam since 1998, if not earlier!!!!!!  Members of this cult sent a letter to Bill Clinton urging him to kill Saddam.  They got in touch with other republicans and Congress to tell them how dangerous Saddam is to the world.  Iraqi Liberation Act was passed by Congress in 1998.  The U.S. government would help Iraqis that wanted to take out Saddam.  The act was used as a justification to go to war with Iraq in 2003.  

Iraq was attacked by the U.S. and the UK in 1998.  They did because Iraq didn't follow UN resolutions.  PNAC said that wasn't enough.  After 9/11 they sent a letter to Bush Jr. wanting him to remove Saddam from power.  Even though Saddam is not a terrorist nor a terrorist supporter.  Someone in the PNAC said for their goals to be accomplished quickly "a new Pearl Harbor" is needed.  That was 9/11.                    
Predictive Programming
Years and months b4 9/11 there were many references of it all ova the pop culture.  It was in movies and t.v. shows.  I will give several examples.  9/11 was on a magazine in the Simpsons, a poster of a flaming tower was on Johnny Bravo, a card in the Illuminati card game showed one of the towers exploding, there's a picture of Beavis and Butthead dressed a Muslims (incorrectly dressed) flying planes into buildings while carrying explosives, and there's a picture of cookie monster eating the towers.  There are many other examples, but this will suffice.      
Larry Sliverstein
He bought WTC in July of 2001.  I've read he would eat breakfast @ the top of the North Tower.  On 9/11 he went to doctor appointment, because his wife told him too.  Sounds like bullshit to me.  It is very convenient he didn't show up on 9/11.  It reminds me of insider trading.  I think he knew what was up.  He was a the owner, but GMAC, Westfield America Inc., and Lloyd Goldman were investors.  Larry got 4.55 billion dollars from insurance after 9/11.  He's friends with several Israeli politicians.  The plot thickens as the rabbit hole gets deeper.  
Carlyle Group
They made a lot of $ from defense and airplane stock on 9/11.  Shafiq bin Laden and George H.W. Bush went to the meeting on that day.  There were several other Saudi investors in the Carlyle Group.  These investors had account in Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), which was a criminal bank.    
Arbusto Energy
It was created in 1977 and it looked for oil and gas in the ground.  It merged with Spectrum 7 Energy Corp.  in 1984, because it wasn't making any $.  James Bath invested $50,000 in the company.  Bush and Bath were friends because they both were Texas Air Guard in early 1970's.  Bath was a representative of Salem bin Laden.  The $ he invested was Salem's.    
Bushes and Ladens r so Deep!!!!!!
James Bath was close to the bin Laden family.  That's why he was a representative of Salem.  He would help rich Saudis invest in U.S. businesses.  Harken Energy tookova Arbusto Energy in 1986.  BCCI underwrote the deal for $25 million.  BCCI was so criminal it got shut down.  The Bush and bin Laden families were connected to that bank.      
War Games
Vigilant Guardian: A bomber from the Soviet Union attacks the U.S.

Tripod 2: "Test the plan to distribute antibiotics to the entire city population during a bioterrorism attack.This was suppose to happen on 9/12/2001.  Could this have anything to do with anthrax in the mail? 

Northern Vigilance: Pilots in U.S. military planes watched Russian war games from Alaska and Canada.  

Global Guardian: 'Test the command and control procedures of the military in a nuclear war.'    

War games are fake scenarios to get the military prepared for the real thing.  Dick Cheney was ova the war games.  He was the vice-president @ the time.   
14 countries warned the federal government of an terrorist attack on U.S. soil b4 9/11.

Flight 93
The news said this plane was shot down by the military.  The next day they said people on the plane fought the hijackers causing it to crash.  Years later a movie was made about it.  The plane may have crashed because of a fight.  I thought it was shot down and then a lie was told.  I may be wrong.  
Structural Integrity
The architects of the WTC thought one day someone would be crazy enough to fly a plane into it.  So, they made the buildings able to withstand multiple impacts from planes.  This means the planes that crashed into them on 9/11 didn't make them collapse.  Something else made those towers collapse.    
Building 7
This building wasn't even hit by a plane!!!!!  It came down because of a planned demolition.  Larry Sliverstein told them to pull it.  That means it was taken down because of him.  It was reported to have collapsed hours b4 it did.  Watch the vid.   
Basement Denotation
A janitor saw that the basement had exploded on 9/11.  Firefighters felt explosions while they were in the buildings.  Some people put explosives in buildings b4 9/11.  I read that one of the person's on demolition team thought that the bombs would go off on a Saturday instead of Tuesday.  Dr. Judy Wood was a professor of mechanical engineering she talks how a energy weapon was used to take down the towers.   
Crisis Actors, Oh My!!!!!!!!
There were crisis actors on 9/11.  The video will prove it.  Crisis actors are used in a lot of events.  There job is to promote a certain narrative.  There's a crisis actor that was in several mass shootings.  His name is David Hogg.  He forgot his lines when he was questioned in Florida.  He witnessed a mass shooting in California in 2017.  The next year a school gets shot up.  He's interviewed on both occasions, what a coincidence.  He graduated from high school in 2015.  I seen his picture in a year book.  He didn't even go to Parkland High School!!!!!  
Super Paper and Amazing Metal
2 passports of hijackers were founded after Flight 93 crashed.  That's so surprising that paper survived the fire.  One of the hijackers names was Saeed al Ghamdi.  He was alive after 9/11; 4 a explanation on why read Zombies and Resurrection chapter.  The other hijacker, maybe mistaken identity as well.  The black boxes was discovered @ the WTC, but the FBI won't release the info.  So I've read.  The FBI said black boxes @ WTC were neva recovered, firefighters said they were.       
Why the Hijackers so Arabian?
15 of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.  Yet, the U.S. government didn't go to war with that country.  Saudi Arabia and United States are allies and they both support terrorism.  Sunni terrorists are radicalized by Wahhabism, which is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia.  The U.S. supported Contra, they were terrorists in Nicaragua. 
Ronald Reagan called them freedom fighters, because the opposed the communist government of Nicaragua.  They murdered innocent people in the hopes they would oppose the government.  This is called low-yield warfare.  Look into the Iran-Contra scandal.    
A German politician said the story about hijackers and Al-Qaeda was made up to hide there "covert operations" of U.S. government officials.  He said 15 billion dollars was made from insider trading on 9/11.  He felt all the federal politicians should have been locked up.  If what he says is true, politicians profited off of suffering of citizens in their own country!            

Zombies and Resurrection
Many of the hijackers were alive after 9/11, which means the government lied.  Fox News talked to one of the hijackers in Saudi Arabia, I think.  How can you survive a plane exploding without any burns?  Abdul Aziz Al Omari was named as one of the hijackers by the FBI.  But, the real person was a student @ University of Denver.  His passport was stolen in 1995.  There is another guy with this name; he was a pilot in Saudi Arabia.  Saeed Al-Ghamdi was a pilot in Tunisia.  Waleed Al-Shehri wasn't even in NYC on 9/11.  Ahmed Al-Nami neva even heard of Pennsylvania b4 9/11.  Salem Al-Hazmi was in Saudi Arabia on 9/11.  Ameer Bukhari died a year b4 9/11 and Adnan Bukhari was in Florida @ that time.  Amar Kamfar was a pilot in Arabia in 2001.  Who are the real hijackers?  Why haven't the FBI apologized for falsely claiming these men were hijackers?          
Why they Demonize Islam?
So you can support the wars in Islamic countries.  If you see Islam as bad, because of propaganda.  Then you are more likely to okay with the U.S. military and its allies murdering innocent Muslims.  Don't blame a religion for what it followers do.  Unless they are carrying out the dictates of the religion.  Muslims are wonderful citizens in the states.  I met plenty of them and they were all good.  You don't blame Protestantism for the KKK.  Why not?  Remember Muslims were scapegoated, so the U.S. military have a pretext to go to war with Islamic nations.      
By Way of Deception
The title of this chapter is Mossad slogan.  They are the Israeli intelligence agency.  A army general said Mossad did 9/11.  If that's true, they were in cahoots with the Bush administration.  The general said they had the means to do it and Israel got the most benefit from it.  Israel enemies became U.S. enemies.  I read years ago the hijackers were Israelis.  This wouldn't be the first time Israel attacked the U.S.  
They bombed the USS Liberty in 1967; that was to prevent the U.S. from finding out about the war.  It was a intelligence gathering ship.  It was shot up by planes and torpedoed.  34 people died and ova 100 injured.  The press wasn't allowed to question the survivors.  The report of the incident was buried.        
Urban Moving Systems
They were headquartered in New Jersey.  The government gave the company more than half million dollars.  The dancing Israelis worked for this company.  I thought this company planted bombs inside the walls of the towers.  But, I don't have any proof of that.  This company may been a front 4 Mossad.  Little after 9/11 the offices were left vacant and the owner Dominik Suter fled to Israel.  Some of the FBI agents thought Mossad was spying on suspected terrorists in the U.S. and this company may have been a part of that.       
Dancing Israelis
5 Israeli men were arrested on 9/11.  3 of them were filming and celebrating the destruction of the towers.  They were hi-fiving and holding up their lighters like they were @ a concert.  They were celebrating because it was "a good thing for Israel."  2 more men joined them later in a van.  They were held by the FBI for 71 days.  They were released and they went back to Israel.  2 of them were Mossad agents.  There was an Israeli spy ring busted in the U.S. months b4 9/11.  
Alphabet Community
FBI: Robert Wright said they let it happen by stopping him from looking in to the finances of terrorists.  They released documents dealing with hijackers in California getting financed by a Saudi man.  It said the Saudi man talked to Osama bin Laden.       
CIA: George Tenet told the the agency to not share info that might have prevented 9/11, so I've read.  Ted Gunderson said the CIA is responsible 4 domestic terrorist attacks.  A German ex-politician named Andreas von Bulow wrote a book called The CIA and 9/11.  The book was about 9/11 being a false flag operation by an intelligence agency.  It suggests 9/11 happened, so the U.S. could go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq.  That sounds about right to me.            
Loose Change
This movie opened my eyez to 9/11.  It let me know the official story was a lie.  I think there was 6 sequels after the first came out.  To know the truth of 9/11, watch these movies.  It is controversial because some people refute the claims.  But, if I neva seen these movie I would still be in the dark.  Without this movie this post wouldn't even exist!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill Copper Forethought
He was a conspiracy theorists or better yet a truther.  He was a officer in navel intelligence.  On the radio he said CNN reported there will be attack on U.S. and Israel.  Osama Bin Laden will be blamed.  He said Osama became the new bogeyman.  He wrote a book called Behold a Pale Horse.  It dealt with occulted information.  A sheriff killed him on 11/5/2001.  You can listen to him on YouTube.  
Freemasonry Always in the Mix
The twin towers represent the 2 towers of freemasonry: Boaz and Joachim.  The 2 towers are like yin and yang.  They represent complementary forces: day/night, male/female, up/down, east/west, etc.  On the Tower card of the tarot a building is on fire and people are jumping out of it.  This card is much older than WTC.  77 is a important number in freemasonry.  Many politicians (worldwide) are Freemasons, it helps them in their political career.          
Occult crimes are done to influence the subconscious minds of the observers.  The media helps to further influence the public by broadcasting these crimes around the world.  "Ritual murder is mind control."  That means 9/11 was super mind fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Statue of Liberty is a representation of Lucifer.  The debris from the WTC was put in Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island.  What a coincidence, oh wow!!!!!!!  The twin towers were altars of sacrifice that were ultimately sacrificed.   

9/11 was like a movie scripted by high level Satanists.  To Kabalists 11 is an evil number.  This mega ritual is connected to Aleister Crowley.  He saw 11 as a magical number and he wrote a book named Liber 175.  Flight 11 hit the North Tower and Flight 175 hit the South tower.  Bush read My Pet in School in front of members of my tribe.  The goat represents Baphomet; which is a symbol of the Devil to Christians.  The teacher had the students say words and read while Bush set up front.  What the students did was similar to chanting.  They were being taught the Direct Learning method.  These sorcerers did 9/11, so they could bind themselves to Satan.  Mohamed Atta is the supposed ring leader of 9/11; he went to a flight school 10 miles away from where the Bush was petting his goat. 
Flight 77 hit the pentagon @ a angle that was almost impossible.  The hijacker Hani Hanjour could barely fly planes; which means he couldn't have flown Flight 77 into the pentagon.  The official story don't even make sense now!!!!  But we all know it's a lie.  The pentagon is 77 feet tall and it is on 77th meridian west.  Flight 77 hit it 77 minutes after takeoff.!!!!!!!!!!!!  Crowley wrote 77 means manifestation and it is the Devil in the Tarot.      
The pentagon is the center of a pentagram.  The pentagram is a symbol of protection.  Satanist like to invert  the symbol.  It has been used by tribes around the world.  That symbol is also known as the 5 point star.  It attracts spirits to you.  The purpose of the attack on the pentagon was create a portal 4 negative spirits to enter our world.    
Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  The FBI director ova the area name was Bill Crowley.  What a coincidence, the Great Beast 666 is all ova this, holocaust (burnt offering).  The Greek word 4 will and love equal 93 in isopsephy.  Thelemites greeted each other by saying 93.  
George W. Bush was the president @ the time of 9/11.  He happens to be a bonesman.  He joined Skull and Bones when he was @ Yale.  That fraternity is known as the Brotherhood of Death.  Wow, the ex-president is in a death cult and when he was in office great death occurred!!!!!  He ran against John Kerry in 2004.  That's his cousin and fellow bonesman.  2 great wars happened while he was president.  One of them was the longest in modern U.S. history.    
There is much more occulted info, but this will suffice.           
The pentagon's office that was destroyed would have found out where the $ went.  It seems like it was hit by a cruise missile.  A pentagon is the center of a pentagram.  It seems like Osama was a asset of the CIA.  The WTC was attacked in 1993; it seems like the FBI could have stopped it.  PNAC wanted a new Pearl Harbor, so they could promote their agenda.  There was a lot of 9/11 symbolism in pop culture long b4 9/11.  

Larry Sliverstein was the owner of the WTC.  Bushes and Ladens were both in Caryle Group.  Salem bin Laden $ was invested into Bush's bizzness by James Bath.  Laden and Bush family were tied together in several ways.  

There were several war games during 9/11.  What happened with Flight 93 and Flight 77 are fuzzy.  Flight 11 and Flight 175 did not take down the towers.  What happen to Building 7?  Oh yeah, planted explosives took down the buildings.  There was crisis actors on the scene of the WTC.  FBI said black boxes weren't recovered @ WTC; but 2 passports were recovered after flight 93 exploded on the ground.      

15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.  U.S. and Saudi Arabia support a lot of terrorism worldwide. The FBI lied about the identities of the hijackers.  A lot of people in states thought Islam was evil because they were stupid.  

Some people believed Mossad was involved.  Urban Moving Systems may have been a front 4 Mossad.  There were Israelis celebrating and filming the destruction of towers.  They were Mossad agents and worked 4 Urban Moving Systems.  The alphabet community dropped the ball or maybe they threw it.  

Loose Change will open your eyez to the lie of the official narrative.  Bill Copper predicted 9/11 in a round about way.  Freemasonry is involved of course.  It was a big ritual human sacrifice.  Think of it as a super wicker man.              

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


This language family has have been in North America 4 ova 7,000 years!!!!!!  It has 44 languages, it is one of the biggest language families in North America and it has 1 subfamily and 2 other languages.  It has its own unique structure.  Europeans created a writing system Algonquian languages.  There are several Algonquian words in English.  Algic people are amazing!!!!  So I will write about them.      
Subfamily and 2 Other Languages
Algonquian Subfamily: This subfamily is divided into 3 groups.  They are as follows: Eastern, Central, and Plains.  The eastern branch has @ least 17 languages and they share a common ancestor.  They are spoken on the east coast of United States and Canada.  They are the least diverse of the groups, which implies they are the youngest.  Languages in the central branch are grouped together because they are in close proximity.  They may not have a common ancestor.  The plains branch is like the central branch.       
Wiyot:  This language was spoken in Northern California.  The last native speaker died in 1962.  Members of the Wiyot tribe are trying to revive it.   
Yurok: This language is only spoken by a few elders.  
"Most Algonquian languages have 4 to 7 vowels." The constants have stops, fricatives, and affricates.  There are different stresses and tones throughout the language.  These languages are polysynthetic, which means a word in a Algonquian language is a sentence in English.  Nouns have 2 classes: animate and inanimate.  Verbs can be adjectives and verbs come b4 or after subject or object.  The premise come b4 the verb and the rest of the sentence comes after.      
The first bible printed in the U.S. were in the Massachusett language.  The script was created by Europeans to translate the bible.  That script had some problems.  Tribal names and places were spelled differently by various people.  All Algonquian languages have script now, it uses the Roman alphabet.     
Algonquian English 
Powwow: It comes from powwaw.   It means to divine, shamans were called this.  It is a Narragansett word.  

Totem: It comes from odoodem.  It is a Ojibwa word that means kin group.  

Wampum: Massachusett word that means white string of beads.  The original word is wampumpeag.

Tomahawk: Powhatan word that means cutting tool.  The original word is tamahaac.

Moccasin: Word for shoe. (makasin)    

Moose: Eastern Abenaki word. (Moz)

 Pecan: Illinois word (pakani).    

There are other words, but this will suffice.  
Algic People
There are many Algonquian tribes.  I will write about some of them.  

Cheyenne: They are the combination of 2 tribes: Suhtai and Tsiitsistas.  The Great Plains was their home.  B4 they got there, they lived in the Great Lakes region.  They were friends with the Arapaho and Lakota.  The Crow and U.S. military were their enemies.  Sweet Medicine was a Cheyenne prophet that predicted the coming of cows, horses, and pale faces.  His real name was Motes'eonotse, it means sweetgrass. Southern Cheyenne tribe live in Oklahoma and Northern Cheyenne live in Montana.  800 people in Oklahoma speak Cheyenne and the alphabet have 14 letters.            
Ojibwa: They lived in the Great Lakes region.  They were sedentary, expect 4 the ones in the Great Plains.  Their huts was made out of tree bark.  Their modes of production was hunting and gathering, fishing, rice harvesting, and they ate maple syrup.  Nature was very important 2 them; so they were close to spirits.  They had sweat lodges and the dreamcatcher comes their spider web charm.  Ojibwa had there own form of herbalism.  3 Fire Alliance consisted of the Odawa, Ojibwa, and Potawatomi.  They defeated the Iroquois and fought the Sioux.  Some of them were in Midewiwin.  It was a secret society that had members of other tribes as while.  This Grand Medicine Society had its own written language.  They wrote on birch scrolls.  There are 14 bands of Ojibwa.       
Peoria: They lived in the Midwest.  Their ancestors built pyramids in Cahokia, Illinois.  Jesuits converted some of the members of the tribe to Catholicism.  They lost some land after they signed a treaty with U.S. government.           
Cree: Most of them live in Canada and Montana.  There are ova 100 sub-tribes, which are called bands.  In some of the bands they married people from other tribes, often.  They used herbs to heal themselves.       
Kickapoo: They lived in the Great Lakes region, until the Iroquois kicked them out.  So they moved to Indiana.  Now they live in Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma.  They signed 10 treaties with U.S. government, which caused them to lose land.  Their written language was created in 1974.         
Pequot: They lived in Connecticut and they have common ancestors with the Mohegan.  They were bitter enemies of the Narragansett.  Some of them became slaves after they killed a Englishmen.  This is what caused the Pequot War.  They are the richest American tribe in the states.  
Shinnecock: They lived in Long Island, New York.  Shell bead threads were used 4 currency and record keeping.  The Shinnecock were big on the fur trade.  A lot of them got smallpox from Europeans, so they died.  Many other American people died on Long Island as well.  Old Dirty Bastard grandfather or great grandfather was the chief of the Shinnecock. 
Now you can read about the 2 other tribes.

Wiyot: They ate acorns and calms.  They were good @ making canoes.  The shamans of the tribe were women and they got initiated on the top of mountains.  There are 450 members of this tribe in California.     
Yurok: The mode of productions where fishing, hunting and gathering.  They're great @ basket weaving and woodcarving.  Their villages was ruled by rich men that were trained by the elders.  They provided food and shelter with 4 the villagers.  Most of the shamans were women.  Husbands gave a dowry to their wife's family.  There are 6,357 people in this tribe.
If you want to learn more about American tribes click here.

There is a subfamily and 2 languages that make up Algic language family.  The subfamily (Algonquian) have 42 languages.  It seems like Eastern Algonquian is true Algonquian.  Central and Plains Algonquian don't seem like it is; it seems like grouping of languages because they're near by.  The other 2 languages are spoken in California.  These languages have a unique structure; one word in these languages is a sentence in English.  Europeans created all the Algonquian scripts.  There are many words from the subfamily in English.  There are a lot of sweet tribes that speak these languages.  