

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


The Qliphoth is the shadow of the Kabbalah.  Think of it as the dark side in star wars.  It has a rich history and a Tree of Death.   The tree has 10 Qlippah that represent different energies.  It is utilized in Western magick.  
The Qlippah is the husk of the sefirot.  The Tree of Life is connected to the Tree of Death by Da'at.  The 10 Qlippahs are named after demons.  Demons also reside in them.  Each of demons represent different principles.  The Qlippahs are connected together by 22 Tunnels of Set.  The Tree of Death is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden.  This tree deals a lot with our shadow.  Most people are afraid of their shadows.  
Tree of Death
I will explain the 10 Qliphahs and 22 Tunnels of Set in great detail.       
10 Qliphahs
10.  Lilith: This is the lowest Qliphah.  Lilith is the mother of demons and Adam's first wife.  The demon that's rule here is Naamah.  She is the sister or daughter of Lilith.  This Qliphah is seen as a cave or a womb.  It is full of feminine sexual energy.  Her animals are owls, wolves, and snakes.  She is a vampire and a whore.  She is associate with kundalini and root chakra.      
9.  Gamaliel: It is full of lunar magick, witchcraft, and sexual alchemy.  This Qliphah is a gateway to the astral world.  Lilith and Samael live in this Qliphah.  Samael means poison of El.  He can poison any area in your life that is a hindrance to your spiritual evolution.  Vampiric entities will be found here.  Such as incubi and succubi.  Spiritual orgies happen here!!!!    

8.  Samael: This Qliphah is ruled by Adrammelech and energy cause quick manifestation.  It helps you have greater control of emotions.  It helps you embrace the constant changing nature of reality.  This Qliphah show the beauty of irrationality.  

7.  A'arab Zaraq: It is ruled by Tubal Cain.  "He is the brother of Naamah."  He was the first person to create weapons.  You will learn about and experience passion, fear, violence in this Qliphah.  Here you will meet Dark Venus and Bael.  Dark Venus will teach you sexual mysticism.  Bael will teach you how to be a great warrior.         
6.  Thagirion: It is ruled by Belphegor and Sorath.  Belphegor is the lord of death and Sorath is the black sun.  This Qliphah is connected to all other Qliphahs.  It teaches you illumination comes from within.  It helps us transcend polarity; so we can see that the truth that is beyond duality.   

5.  Golachab: This is the most powerful Qliphah and it is ruled by Asmodeus.  He is the demon of lust and the ruler of nine hells.  Which are simply 9 levels of initiation.  This Qliphah deals with lust, pleasure, pain, rejection, attraction, war, and fury.  

4.  Gha'agsheblah: Astaroth is the demon of this Qliphah.  His breath is poisonous and he can reveal the past.  He can also teach math and craftsmanship.  You come face to face with your shadow here.  This Qliphah is right b4 the abyss.  The abyss is called Daath.  It's the portal to the Tree of Life.    
3.  Satariel: Arachne rules this realm.  She is the spider goddess of space.  She connects various realms together with her web.  The spider current exist within us, but it is only otherworldly.  She helps us kill our old selves, so out new selves will be reborn.

2.  Ghagiel: This Qliphah is full of masculine energy.  It is ruled by Beelzebub and Adam Belial.  Beelzebub rules over aerial spirits.  He can make you more psychic, influential, and give you the ability to change the weather.  Belial looks like a reptoid and he's a interdimensional traveler.  He can make you abundant and more independant.  
1.  Thaumiel: This Qliphah is ruled by Satan and Moloch.  It deals with duality.  You know balance by experiencing the extremes.  Satan means adversary; he helps you overcome anything that opposes your spiritual evolution.  Moloch means king; people sacrificed their children to him in Canaan.  Elite men of the United States go to the Bohemian Grove every year and conduct a mock human sacrifice to Moloch.   
22 Tunnels of Set
The names of the tunnels are the names of the demons that rule the tunnels.

11.  Ampordias: It is irrational and it's element is air.  The animals are eagle and man.  Magical energy gets unbalanced here.  That unbalanced energy become air elementals.  It's number is 5 and 11.  Apep and the 5 pointed star is associated with this path.  The Fool tarot card symbolizes this tunnel.  

12  Baratchial: This path is associated with Mercury.  Your speech will evolve or devolve in this path.  The number is 260.  The energy here deals with the Sun and Saturn.  You must balance the polarity or be consumed.  This path will help grow your ego.

13.  Gargophias: It's number 393 and the mysteries of femininity is discovered here.  The High Priestess tarot card symbolizes this path.  Kali and Kronos are related to this path.  This path is full of astral light.  This light is full of potential which can be used to manifest different scenarios.  

14.  Dagdagiel: 55 is it's #, which is the # of Malkuth.  The animals are dove, sparrow, and pig.  This Qliphah is filled with Venusian energy, the scared whore.  It is connected to many different realms.  The spider goddess is present here and she connects the various dimensions with her web. 

15.  Hemethterith: 1054 is the number of this tunnel, which means ark.  The eagle is the animal of this Qliphah.  The 7 pointed star is it's symbol.  Sirusian energy can be found here.  

16.  Uriens: The number is 59, which is the # of wealth.  Samael and Lilith can found here.  Ursa Major is associated with this Qliphah.  Lilith has serpentine energy.  

17.  Zamradiel: Its # is 292 and it's animal is a raven.  This tunnel contains the power of libido.  Which is the most powerful force in the world!!!  It is the mother of all forms of energies.  That's because it is the energy of creation.  

18.  Characith: Its # is 640 and it's animal is the camel.  Papa Loco can be found here.  He is the loa of the forests.  This path has the energy of Cancer (zodiac sign).  

19.  Temphioth: Its # is 610 and it's animal a black cat.  Serpentine loa can be founded here.  Lust is heavy in this tunnel.  This tunnel can help you with sex magick.

20.   Yamatu: Its # is 131 which is the number of Samael.  It has the the energy of Virgo.  The Black Brothers tried to make themselves immoral and they were able to accomplish this somewhat.  They found a way to remain on the astral plane longer than usual.  The idea of immorality is associated with this tunnel.    

21.  Kurgasiax: Jupiter is heavy in this tunnel.  Its # is 315 and it is also connected to Venus and Pluto.  This tunnel can help you ascend to higher levels.  You can reach Da'ath through this tunnel.  

22.  Lafcursiax: Its # is 671 and t is full of Maatian energy.  Libra is a good example of this tunnel.  The energy present in this path helps you create order out of chaos.  The spider is its animal.  

23.  Malkunofat: Its # is 307 and Kali can be experienced here.  The Hanged Man of the tarot corresponds to this tunnel.  You learn to see in the future here.  This is the home of Leviathan.   

24.  Niantial: The energy of Scorpio is present in this tunnel.  Its # is 160 and Mars is heavy here.  Apep and Ayida-Wedo is associated with this path.  The Great Beast of Hell is present here.  You will find the power of the lower chakras here.  Sex and death magic is taught here.  

25.  Shasakasalim: Its #is 300, which is Shin.  The letter of spirit.  Neb-het is associated with this tunnel.  The peacock and serpent is the animals of this path.  

26.  A'ano'nin: Its # is 237 and Capricorn is heavy here.  The animals of this path are donkey, goat, and oyster.  The Devil of the tarot corresponds to this tunnel.  Papa Legba can be found here.  

27.  Parfaxitas: Its # is 450 and it's animal is the dragon!!!!!!!  450 is the # of magick.  This path is full of Marian energy.  The stone of this path is ruby.

28.  Tzuflifu: It's number is 302 and it's connected to Uranus.  Aries rule here and it is associated with Shango and Ogun.  

29.  Qulielfi: This tunnel is ruled by the Moon.  Its # is 266 and you can learn to cast illusions here.  This path is associated with Marassas.  Universe B is the universe of non-being.  

30.  Raflifu: Its # is 406 and the Black Sun can be found here.  Raflifu is androgynous and the animal of this tunnel is leopard.  This tunnel can help you gain large sums of $.  

31.  Shalicu: Its # is 500 and Choronzon reigns here.  This tunnel is full of Mercurian energy.  You can learn invisibility in this path.  Judgement is the tarot card of this tunnel.  It has the elemental powers of fire and spirit.  

32.  Thantifaxath: Its # is 1040 and meditation and death is heavy here.  The Ash, Cypress, Nightshade, Elm, and Yew are the trees of this tunnel.  Sebek is a symbol of this path.  Soul trapping can be learned here.  
Qliphoth use in Western Magick
A magickian can make connect with the demons of the Qliphoth and journey through the tunnels to become better shapers of reality.  Each Qliphah/demon/tunnel can teach you a different spell or ritual.  I will explain some of them.  Lilith can help you raise your their kundalini.  Samael can help you destroy your enemies.  The Dark Tower ritual can empower you and your spells.  Dark Venus can help you get in touch with feminine energy.                                     
The Qliphoth (duality) is the shadow of the Kabbalah (unity).  It has 10 Qliphahs and 22 paths.  The paths are called the Tunnels of Set.  This is because Set is the prototype of Satan.  Each Qliphah and tunnel have a certain attribute/s, idea/s, energy/s, and or spirit/s.  Western magickians have done Qliphothic magick for centuries!!!!!    

Compendium of Beelzebub