

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Detroit Cultural Festival

There was a discussion about culture (art, music, poetry, performance, and creativity) in Detroit.  I said Detroiters are sharp dressers, great dancers, and we're funny.

Khary: Creator of Detroit is Different Festival

Josh: Owner of creative space were the festival was had.  He wants the community to own it.

Sheleta: She's a sociology doctor and she was the facilitator.  She was only able to ask 2, because there was so much discussion on the first question.

Idlewild Couple: Idlewild is a town in Michigan that a lot of Black intellectuals and entertainers visited.  The couple is helping become a Mecca of Black commerce and entertainment again.

Piper: Creative liberal lady.  She owns her own creative space and help others do the same.  She's a dj and a photographer as well.

Joe Pep Harris: Singer,he sung smiling faces, he was inducted into The Rhythm & Blues Music Hall of Fame.  He did the most talking, because he new more about Detroit culture than anybody!

I missed the discussion on technology because I was sleepy. The event was 1-3pm.  The text game started @ 6pm.  I would had to find something to do 4 three hours.

Text Game:  There were 4 categories of questions.  It dealt with dating, sex, partners, and exes.  A fruitloop (homosexual male) set next to me, so I had ease out of there.

Natural Hair Show:  I caught it @ the end.  They talked about the beauty of blackness.  They answered questions.  Heating and dyeing the hair damages it.  Someone with curly or nappy (very curly) hair shouldn't shampoo often, because it damages the hair.  Straight haired people should.  If they don't their hair will get oily.  Black Seed Oil helps hair grow.  Hair loss could mean something wrong with your organs.

I ran into people I seen @ poetry and African events.  I ate 6 chicken wings, drunk a Linwood (Vodka, Geraldine, and Lemonade), ate sum chips and Snickers, and drunk 2 bottles of water.  I recharged my phone in the room that I'm Rapper, She's a DJ event was going to be held.

Comedy Show:  They started on CPT (colored people's time).  Which means they were late.  It started 35 minutes later than it was suppose too.  So called Native Americans have a similar concept 2 CPT.

The first person on stage was a poet.  He was sweet.  Than a fat women introduced the host.  She was wore a black shirt and blue jeans.

The host was Josh Adams.  He was very funny and tall like a basketball player.  He may be may cousin, because Adams is one of mama's family.

The first comedian Jason Jamerson bday was the same day of comedy show.  He turned 31.  He talked about sum R&B songs.  Sum songs we think were about love are about cheating.

The 2nd comedian was Foolish.  He famous in Detroit and nationwide.  He was very funny!!!!  He lost his fuck buddy to a stud that looked like Allen Iverson.

3rd comedian was Martini Harris.  He made a movie with Trick Trick it will be Netflix.  He reminded me of Richard Pryor.  He was very funny!!!!  He told his uncle drugs are for the birds.  His uncle said tweet tweet.  He thought I was a thug, but I told him I'm a entrepreneur.

4th comedian was Coco.  She's famous radio host.  She likes young men and we like her.

Millennium Party:  It was wack because it was almost empty.  So I left early.

There was a lot of podcasts that day.  It was 2-7pm.  I didn't go because I went to my nephew birthday dinner.

I went my family to P.F. Chang. My nephew got a cupcake 4 his birthday.  I ate Dynamite Shrimp, Fried Green Beans, and Hokkien Street Noodles.  I drunk Strawberry Lemonade.
I didn't eat all my food, so I took sum home.

Detroit is Different Festival

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sex Magic

Conjure Fair: There were a lot of weirdos and freaks there.  I seen a white guy that wore a dress and may of had purple hair.  I don't like that faggy shit!!!!  I miss the 90's, where boys were boys and girls were girls.  I experienced subtle racism.  There was a lot of vendors there.  I went to most of the tables.  I was given a bag when I came in.  They were selling crystals, earings, candles, sage, etc.  Kenya Coviak talked to me when I was sitting down.  She amazing!!!!!!  She taught me about coins.   I left early, because it wasn't the conjure fest.  It was called the conjure fest online, that why I went.  There was only vendors.  There weren't any classes.  Kenya would have taught me more if I would stayed.

I found out Rosetta Tharpe was the grandmother of rock and roll.

Freak Party: There was a white lady painter and guy painting on a lady.  There was a word game: a woman said a letter and the audience had 2 a come up freaky word starting with that letter.  A lady danced on stage with her booty out. She came off the stage and danced in the crowd.  A male singer sung R&B. A lady came out and danced on the 2nd song.  Sprinkles went up on stage and danced.  She's a white stripper with plastic surgery.  She look terrible.  A lady poet said 2 poems. I founded a massage therapist to give me massages in the future.  There was a fire lady, then a dominatrix.  Someone in the audience got on stage and wiped her.  A white lady got tied up and hung from a cord.  A poet spit while the white women was being tied up.  Single Rose said sum poems.  Boogie Williams did stand up.  He was very funny.  Wild Card Intimate was a girl group that posed in lingerie.  A male poet said sum poems.  A man humped a woman on stage and pretended to eat her out.  Candace the Coldest did a dance on stage.  4 poets said poems back to back.  The first of 3 said her poem very fast.  The second one poems was about receiving sexual pleasure from her significant other.  The 3rd one was a dude.  The other 3 were women.  Lexi Blazes Stage said a sexy poem that was super freaky.  She said another poem, while a woman got spanked.  Cinnamon danced on stage.  I touched her belly when she danced in front of me.  Kesh did stand up.  She was the woman I massage for a dinner @ the Cino Del event.  The painter sold her art.  It almost gave me a ❤ attack when she brought it on stage.  It was a succubus.  She's naked with a animal skull on her head, human skulls between her leggs, and she 's surrounded by fire.   Another artist sold his painting.  There were 3 poets @ the end.  I performed in front of Dee's daughter after the show was over.  She liked my performance, but told me to slow down.  That was because my performance have certain movements.  I will perform slower in the future.

Otis Blackwell made demos 4 Elvis.  Elvis copied his style of singing.  Chuck Berry is the father of Rock and Roll. 



Sunday, October 13, 2019

Enlightened Soul Expo

Vendors: Talked to Crystal lady about cannabis oil vs CBD oil.  I met a lady that heals with access bars. I met a medium that feel the energy of a spirit after someone draw it.  I bought Crown of Success oil from a planetary rootworker.  She's amazing!!!!!!!  I'm attract to her. 

1st Presenter: Seen a presentation on talking to the deceased person related to someone in the audience.  Audience members were given tickets.  If their ticket was called, then they went on stage to talk to the medium.  She did the opposite of what all the other mediums did.  The other mediums opened themselves up to spirits in general, while she was particular.   

2nd Presenter: She did a presentation on CBD oil.  It included a slide show.  She talked about the history of cannabis.  Chinese people were the first to use it.  Then it spreaded west.    Endocannabinoid System: Produces and absorbs cannabinoid.  Its connected to all the other systems of the body. 

3rd Presenter: Another medium presentation, she just said what spirits told here and members of audience stood up if what she said applied to them.  Mediums can feel time.  A youtube video on my phone went off when the medium was speaking.

4th Presentation: She channelled a being that is called All That IS.  It gave general answers, which mean it not All That Is.  It said autistic children soul isn't all the way in the body.   She told me my eldest brother having a ball in the afterlife.  I've always been humanoid, so she said.   Human perception and experience makes existence seem disconnected but it not.  Connection is felt in the heart.  Every being has one life purpose joy is purpose.  You must resonate with beings you want to connect with. We need to focus on the most important things in life; and less attention on trivial things. Dealing with difficult people help you become loving.  We give meaning to everything in life.

Last Presenter: She did a guided meditation.  I felled myself with red energy for sex and green energy 4 $.  She tuned in to audience spirits of deceased relatives.  Earth Contract: the amount of time u have on earth.  Sum adult spirits comfort child spirits in the afterlife.

I give my # to a lady that was cursed.  I can help her remove it.  I also gave my bizzness website to ladies.
1st Presenter: She is a medium and she got a lot of credentials.  She a psychic and a ordained minister in the spiritualist church. My uncle James spoke to the medium.  He died b4 I was born.  He showed her an image of me jugging plates and dancing.  The jugging different plates represents the different services in my bizzness and I love to dance.  He want me to heal people and he want his light to shine brighter.  She told me to become a vendor.  Next time I'll be a bodyworker.

2nd presenter: She is a psychic healer.  She did a ritual to cleared and healed the audience.  She helped us attract $.  She told us to ask the universe how to get what we want.  She told us about a question mantra.   She do different forms of healing and teaches them.

3rd presenter: She is a astrological tarot card reader.  She told the audience about the birth cart.  She new a lot about Western (tropical) Astrology.  Every sign has pros and cons.  Every sign is ruled by a certain planet.   Taurus is ruled by Earth!!!  Someone discovered that recently.  Water signs are the most psychic signs.  Virgo may be ruled by Maldek (asteroid belt) or Vulcan.

The Final Presenters: They are named The Michigan Medium Angels.   They communicate with spirits and heal people.  They are great healing teachers!!!!!!!

Vendor: The planetary rootworker was less friendly than the day b4 and I was loss 4 words.  I showed her my magic ebook.  I told her about what my uncle convided to the medium.  I said she was interesting, eazy on the eyez, and I like the fact she came from California.  She was bothered by me saying she eazy on the eyez.  I told the Pyramid Lady about the medium and my uncle and the conjure fest.  I forgot to her about my new job.

I gave someone my bizzness web site.

Vids of sum Presenters

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Psychedelic Neuroscience Symposium

This post is about the various topics that was spoken of @ the symposium.  The symposium was about psychedelics being used for therapy.  I talk to several people there.  They talk about MDMA, DMT, Ibogaine, LSD, Psilocybin, Salvia, Shamanic dancing, brain waves, neurotransmitters, neurophenomenology, enthogens, government suppression of mind altering substances, experimentation, MAPS, reproductive rights of Africans, etc.  I asked  4 questions.  We watched a Rick Strassman video.
People I Holla @
When I got there everybody was a snowflake.  I was a bit uneazy; because I tend to experience racism when I'm in a room full of snowflakes.  The Indian man look @ me because he knew we were the only dark skin people around, so it seemed.  The first person to speak to me was a wonderful Asian lady.  She said hello 2 me and we said a few words.  After the first break I met someone named Chris.  We talked about psychedelics and Terence Mckenna.  Kilindi was there; I met him years ago.  He's a psychedelic guru!!!!  He should of spoke he knew more about psychedelics than anybody!!  I was going to ask him why he didn't, but I assumed he lack credentials.  You don't need a PHD to an expert, it just helps you get a good job.

I define psychedelics as man made entheogens.  It was made in a laboratory.  Even if comes from a plant it is in a unnatural state.   

MDMA: Commonly called Ecstasy and Molly.  Helps get rid of PTSD.  It's less dangerous than alcohol. 
DMT: It gives you great spiritual vision.  It is neurotransmitter created in mammals' brains.  less bad trips, than other psychedelics. 
Ibogaine: It's a major ingredient in the Iboga plant.  It gets rid of drug addiction.
LSD: This drug was used 4 MK-Ultra.  That was a CIA mind control program.  @ first is used on soldiers, until that became illegal.  Then it was used on civilians.  Timothy Leary promoted the use of this drug with hippies.  LSD helped Steve Jobs the creator of Apple.  It reduces anxiety, depression,  and it can cause you to have a spiritual experience.       
Psilocybin: They increase confidence, contentment, stress reduction, and well being.  Kills addiction!!!!
They didn't say much about entheogens.  I heard a little about Ayahuasca.  The truth of the matter is Entheogens are the mother of psychedelics.  You can think of an entheogen as natures psychedelic.

Acacia: This plant was used by people all over the world!!!!!  It was used for medicine, building material, etc.  It was used by Australians (Aboriginals), Egyptians, Arabs, Hebrews, and many other people.  Australians may still use it.  It contains DMT.
African Dream Root: It is used by Xhosa shamans 4 initiations.
Ayahuasca: It is composed of 2 plants.  One that gives you the vision and other guards the vision.  It is used by shamans in the Amazon.  It has been used 4 over a millennium.  It gives you a great spiritual experience!!!!  You may see events from your past, you may interact with DNA, you may meet non-human intelligences, etc.
Salvia: It's a mint plant that will give you a great spiritual experience.  It is used in Mexico and Central America 4 shamanism.  It may decrease certain neurological disorders.
There are many different entheogens.  It seems like people in South America use entheogens the most.  They are the least affected by the 3 asshole religions!!!!!!  Theses are the people that live in the forest.
I think entheogens are better than psychedelics because inside of them they have a family of chemicals.  Whereas a psychedelic is one chemical more or less.  So it seems like enthogens have more resources.  Psychedelics are good for certain conditions, while entheogens are great overall!!!!  But This idea my need to be critiqued.  Sum entheogens may have toxic chemicals in it so pulling out trippy chemical minus the toxins would be a good thing.  Psychedelics seems reductionist, but someone could make that argument about entheogens as well. 
Shamanic Dancing
I learned @ the symposium that this form of dancing has similarities to using psychedelics.  The speaker said it increases Beta and Gamma Waves.  There was a study done on plastic shamans.  But may experience says it increases Alpha waves.  Shamanic dancing is dancing in a trance.  The first time I did it was @ a Pow Wow; I thought I was dancing like my ancestors.  I do it when I hear certain drum beats.   
Gamma: This is the concentration wave.  You focus the best when wave is activated.  These waves are create stronger compassion, peace, and happiness.  Tibetan Buddhist meditation increases the activation of these waves. 
Beta: This is the awoke wave; the busy wave.  This wave is activated when we are @ work or school.

Alpha: This is the relaxed wave.  People get into this one when they mediate, watch t.v., and most forms of hypnosis.  Sum psychedelics increase this wave.   

Theta:  This is where the magick happens.  This the wave of dreams and half sleep.  DMT and LSD increase this wave.  I guess any trippy psydelchelic/entheogen would increase this. 
Delta: Deep sleep wave.  It helps you heal.

There are other brainwaves, but these are the most popular.  Shamanic dancing can increase any of these waves more/less. 

There are 3 major neurotransmitters affected by psychedelics.  They are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Acetylcholine psychedelics: Make the user see or feel as if someone is with them.  They may feel like they're flying.  It also stimulates the vaginia.

Norepinephrine psychedelics:' They block, mimic, or enhance the norepinephrine system in the brain.'  They increase your sensory perception.  Colors become more vivid, sounds are deeper or lighter, and/or sense of touch greatly enhanced.

Serotonin psychedelics: Give you amazing trip!!!!!!!!!  It has a similar chemical composition to DMT. 
This neurotransmitter is created by the pineal gland in the morning.  It is activated by light.  It affects our mood.

Melatonin: It is also created pineal gland, during the night.  It is activated by darkness.  It helps us go to sleep and dream.  It seems like this neurotransmitter is not affected by psychedelics. 
This is the study of how the brain creates experience.  It was created around 1995.  It is a combination of neuroscience and phenomenology.  Some scientists feel consciousness can not exist by itself.  It is always conscious of something.  Subject and object are bound together like yin and yang, sum think. 
Government Suppression
Psychedelics became illegal in the 1970's.  Richard Nixon started the war on drugs; which became war on Black people.  The use of psychedelics leads to a freer society.  Politicians and corporations don't won't a freer society, because that would cause a loss of funds.  Terence Mckenna said psychedelics are suppressed because we live in a dominator society.  A dominator society is sexist, racist, and militaristic.                   
Animal Experiments
Scientists apply what they learn from animal experiments to the human body.  They found out how DMT affect human and rat brain cells.  Sum rats were microdosed DMT and they became less anxious.  Many animals have been and continue to be experimented on.  I'm against it because animals are people too.     
It means Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelics Studies.  It was started it in 1986.  This organizations research ways psychedelics can be used therapeutics.  They've researched MDMA, Weed, LSD, Ibogaine, Ayahuasca, etc.     
My Questions
Can you explain the experiences on DMT?  Do people on DMT see machine elves?
The experiences were colorful.  No one in the experiments reported seeing machine elves.

How does psychedelics affect the people with traumatic brain injury?
They help the brain by reducing inflammation.

What is the significance of experimenting on rats?
They are similar to humans, so what info gained from the experiments can be applied to humans.

I ask another question, but I forgot it.

Kilindi Iyi
He is a master of martial arts and psilocybin.  He taught about psychedelics around the world and teaches martial arts @ Tamerrian Institute in Detroit.  He said psilocybin awakens junk DNA.  He discovered martial arts have been influenced by entheogens.  He understands martial arts originated in Africa.  Africans were the first people to use entheogens; long b4 Sumer existed!!!     
Rick Strassman
He is a psychiatrist that researched psychedelics.  He was the first person to study psychedelics in the United States after the government stop banning it from research.  He studied melatonin in the 1980's.  He discovered bright light surpass the production of melatonin.  He wrote books about DMT.       
Reproductive Rights of Africans
This is a guise 4 depopulation.  Certain europeans want Africans to stop reproducing.  That's why there were sterilants in vaccines given to them, HIV was created, and so called reproductive rights.  I doubt any African nation asked any european nation 4 reproductive right.  Europeans should only concern themselves with their own reproduction and not anyone else's.
There many different psychedelics.  Entheogens come from nature and psychedelics come from a laboratory.  Shamanic dancing has similarities to psychedelics.  Different brain waves and neurotransmitters are activated or deactivated by psychedelics.  Neurophenomenology is the study of how the brain creates the experience.  They were surpassed by the government, but now not as much.  Animals have been experienced on with psychedelics.  MAPS is an organization that researches it.  I asked 4 questions.  I talked to Kilindi and watch a Rick Strassman video.  A speaker said something about reproductive rights of Africans.  The symposium was amazing, besides the subtle racism that me feel like shit!!!!!!!