

Friday, September 13, 2019

Cyborg Art

I went to this event in the evening on 9/12.  The 2 artists were Moon Ribas and Neil Harbisson.  They talked about artificial senses, different types of cyborgs, and hearing colors.  Moon spoke first and Neil spoke last.  They both made Cyborg Foundation.  A big part of is the Transpecies Society which Manel Munoz help create.  You can go to their websites to learn more about them.   
Artificial Senses
Moon did Earthbeat in the beginning.  She beat a big drum after a machine said a year.  It represented the seismic activity that year.  Dancing is her passion and she added technology to it.  She had earrings that detected movement and she featured out how fast people were moving in European Capitals.  She had seismic sensors implanted in her feet.  You would feel vibrations whenever there was an earthquake.  She had a sensor implanted in her tooth and her friend did as well.  Whenever they moved there teeth the other person would feel it.  It is called transcendental communication system.  She talked about other artificial senses as well.  Magnetic hair give you the ability to feel the magnetic fields.  The weather feather give you the ability to sense the weather.  There is a device that help you perceive ultraviolet light and another that helps you perceive cosmic rays.  There is also a echolocation device and many more.  Moon want people to have nightvision so they would use less electricity @ night.
Different types of Cyborgs.
The terms  psychological cyborg, biological cyborg, neurological cyborg, and phantom cyborg were explained.  Psychological Cyborg is someone who feels the technology they own is a part of them.  Example would be when some says there down, instead of saying their cell phone battery is down.  Biological Cyborg is someone who has machine parts.  A good example of this Robocop.  Neurological Cyborg is someone whose brain is enhanced by technology.  Example would a computer chip in someone head.  Phantom Cyborg is someone who still feel sensations even though there machine parts have been removed.  It like phantom limb syndrome.  An example of this is Moon.  She still feel vibrations even though she no longer have seismic sensors.
Cyborg Antenna
Neil Harbisson was born colorblind.  He can only see gray, black, and white.  In 2003 he created the Cyborg Antenna and it merged into his occipital bone.  It translates colors (including infrared and ultraviolet) into sounds, it has wifi,  it can connect 2 satellites, 5 of his friends send colors to antenna and can change his dreams, he can receive phone calls on it,  etc.  He spoke on a screen today to the audience in the theatre.  He correctly identified colors sent 2 him by another artist with a Cyborg Antenna.  Then he explained the color of audience members faces.  He paint speeches and music.  He painted I Have a Dream Speech,  Baby by Justin Bieber, etc.  Each color give off a certain sound.  That why he was able to make those painting.  Black people are dark orange and white people are light orange.  He is going to create a device that keeps track of time.   
Wow the technology is amazing!!!!!  But its crazy as hell.  I'm all 4 external technology.  I don't want any internal technology.  I rather develop extrasensory perception naturally.  There are many practices/techniques one could use instead gigabyting themselves.  I rather die than be a cyborg.


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Charles Sanders Peirce

He was a polymath and lived for 74 years.  He has a rich history and wrote books.  He was a mathematician and philosopher.  He dealt with math logic, probabilities, philosophical logic, ethics, metaphysics, etc.    He invented pragmatism.
He was a philosopher, scientist, mathematics, and much more. 

Childhood: He was in Cambridge, Massachusetts on 9/10/1839.  His father was a professor @ Harvard.  His parents have 5 other children.  He start going to Harvard when he was 16.  He got a master's @ Harvard and a Bachelor of Science from Lawrence Scientific School.  He was a professor and gave lectures @ 2 universities. 

Mid-Life:  His married Harriet Melusina Fay in 1862.  She was a writer and helped him with his scientific works.  She was a feminist.  He cheated on her with Juliette Annette Froissy Pourtalai.  He wife left him and he had a nervous breakdown.  They divorced in 1883, 2 days later he married Juliette.

End-Life: He was poor in in the early 20th century.  His friends and students would give him $ from time to time.  In 1909 he got cancer; he was taking morphine everyday 4 the pain.  Even though pain was almost unbearable, he continued to write.  Juliette donated his wrings to Harvard after he died in 1914.             
There are many books that came from his writings.  There is also bibliographies written about him.

Chance, Love, Logic: It was a collection of his essays.  It was about taxation, ideas, probability, nature, theories, mind, etc. 

Peirce on Signs: It is a collection of his essays.  They dealt with metaphysics, logic, belief, pragmatism, etc.

The Essential Peirce, Volume 2: It is about reasoning, logic, meanings, god, philosophy, science, etc.

There are other books, but this will suffice.
Logic: description and analysis; math is deduction.  It separates good thinking from bad thinking.  Ethics creates logic and it is the mother of metaphysics.  Logic informs what should think about.  There are 3 branches of logic: speculative grammar, critics, and speculative rhetoric.  He called logic semiotic, which is the study of symbols.     

Probabilities: Science is full of chance.  The only thing certain is change.  Atoms blink!!!!!!!!!!

Statistics: He was a founder of this field.  He created " blinded, controlled randomized experiment" with help from Joseph Jastrow. 

Ethics: Good is knowledge and ignorance is evil.  Good leads us to reality and evil takes us away from it.  We must be deliberate and control ourselves  to do good. 

Metaphysics: It has 3 branches: ontology, religious, and physical.  He was a scholastic realist, believed in one god, and an objective idealist.

Pragmatism: He created this philosophy.  It is using any means to get the best ends.
Charles Sanders Peirce was the modern day Aristotle!  He did a lot academically.  He was great with math and philosophy.  He the father of pragmatism.  There are several books based on his writing.       


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Detroit Tour

I went on a tour Saturday @ the World African Festival.  I learned alot about Detroit.  The tour guide taught us about a semi-French mayor, hotels, a restaurant, clubs, Motown, Black Bottom, Paradise Valley, interaction between my tribe and the Abrahmists, hospitals, 1963, racism, KKK, Henry Ford, numbers, Detroit Urban League, and the flight of the Black middle class.  I learned so much that day!!!!
1st Mayor of Detroit
Detroit was a French colony, then a British one.  In 1796 it became a U.S. city.  John R. Williams was the first mayor.  He became the mayor several times.  His parents was Cecile Campau and Thomas Williams.  His mother was a rich of a rich French family.  Thomas was a British landowner and a merchant.  He married his cousin and had 10 kids with her.  He fought in the war of 1812.         

Black Bottom
Most members of tribe lived here during the early and mid 20th century.  There were many great musicians that lived here.  The French called it black bottom because of the black top soil.  A freeway was built here, so the people that lived here had to relocate.  The government didn't help them with housing because most politicians are racist!!!!!!!!   
Paradise Valley
This was the center of African American bizznesses and entertainment.  People from Black Bottom would come here often.  A lot of famous musicians played and sung here.  Paradise Theatre was created there, now its Orchestra Hall .   A part of it was turned it into a Chrysler Freeway, so factory workers can go to the suburbs 4 work.  Another part of it became Ford Field.   
My tribe and the Abrahamists
Members of my tribe moved into areas in Detroit that were owned by Ashkenazi Jews.  My people couldn't purchase certain property because of racism.  But, Jews would sell their property to my people because they also faced discrimination.  B4 Paradise Valley became a Black Mecca it was Zion.  Jewish bizznesses and entertainment was there b4 it became Black. 
The Pelican
This was a restaurant, it started 1948-1981.  It was in a large house.  The owners lived next door.  Home cooked meals was severed here.  There much room 4 sitting in the restaurant.  So, when it filled up you had to take it to go.  The food was delicious; it was soul food.  Duck, fried chicken, meatloaf, fish, mac & cheese, greens, string beans, peach cobbler, etc.   

Gotham Hotel: It open from 1943-1963.  It was a 5 star hotel for rich members of my tribe.  Musicians, celebrities, athletes, would stay there when they came to Detroit, because they couldn't stay white hotels.  Numbers were popular there. 

Tuller Hotel: Lew Tuller founded this hotel on 1906.  It was the greatest hotel in Detroit!!!  It was shut down in 1976 and demolished in 1991.

The Cochrane House: It started @ the end of 2018.  It is a bed & breakfast.  This house was built in 1870 by an eye doctor.  A year later Lyman Cochrane bought it. 
Until 1945 most black babies were born @ home.  Black people were allowed in hospitals.  In response to this 30 black hospitals were created in Detroit.  Later on white hospitals got colored sections, but they wouldn't hire black doctors.  After integration insurance companies wouldn't pay black hospitals, so they went out of bizzness.   

Gotham Hotel: It was shut down in 1963, because of numbers.  It was the headquarters of numbers in Detroit.  It made 30 million a year.  Then it was demolished in the next year. 

Garfield Hotel was burnt down this year.  No knows who did it.

Flame Show Bar was closed this year.

Sum black bizznesses lost their land to the government on this year.

Flame Show Bar: There were black businesses in this club.  Berry Gordy and famous singers met each other here.  It became the prequel of Motown. 
Graystone Ballroom: It had a lot famous acts, but members of my tribe could only go there on Monday night.
Henry Swing Club: It was a popular club and it was sung about in Boogie Chillen.  It was John Lee Hooker song.  He was the grandfather of rock and roll.   
Berry Gordy Jr. created Motown.  He worked with people he met with @ the Flame Show Bar.  Sum of those people were Smokey Robinson, Jackie Wilson, Marvin Gaye, and Harvey Fuqua.  Berry Gordy Sr. and David Ruffin built Studio A.  Temptations and Jackson 5 were the most popular singing groups in Motown.  The Marvelettes were the second singing group of Motown.  They had great success.  Their most famous song was Please Mr. Postman.  The Supremes were the greatest lady singing group of all time!!!!  Stop! In the Name of Love is their most famous song.  Diana Ross is the most famous Supreme.  They made 153 albums.  So amazing!!!!!!  Berry Gordy shouldn't have moved to California.  Great talent lives in Detroit!!!!!          
In the 1930's there were 100,000 members of the KKK living in Michigan.  Half of them lived in Detroit.  They met @ a building called Kastle.  That building today is used for something else.  The headquarters of the KKK is now Howell, MI.
Henry Ford Motor Company
25% of Black men in Detroit worked @ Henry
Ford Motor Company.  They were given the hardest jobs because Henry Ford was racist.  They would get injured from doing those jobs every month.  After Henry son took over he gave Black men better jobs and they were able to become supervisors. 
This form of gambling was popular among minorities in the United States.  People would pay a bettor sum $ to pick 3 numbers.  If they win they'll get over $1,000!!!!  It was popular in Detroit, Boston, New York, Chicago,  Atlanta, and the Bahamas.  The lottery is based on this game. 
Detroit Urban League
There was a famous architect named Albert that lived Detroit.  His house became the first building of Detroit Urban League.  They helped southern Blacks find jobs in Detroit.  They also helped promote civil rights.  Sum of their services: WIC, Food Program, education, housing, etc                                                                                                                  
Black Flight
In the 70's and 80's many middle class Black people left Detroit 4 the suburbs.  Detroit lost a lot of taxes because of that.  There are still many of my people leaving Detroit.  They move to areas with more economic opportunities.  White people are moving to downtown Detroit.  I prefer my city stay Black!!!!!!
The first mayor of Detroit was French.  Many members of my tribe lived in Black Bottom.  Paradise Valley many Black bizznesses.  The Pelican served home-cooked meals.  There were many amazing hotels and clubs.  Motown was born here!!!!  There were racists hospitals and the KKK was headquartered in Detroit.  Henry Ford Motor Company was in Detroit.  Detroit Urban League helped Black southerns get jobs in Detroit.  Numbers were popular 4 over 30 years in Detroit.  A lot of middle class folk left Detroit to broaden horizons.       
Flame Show Bar