

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


There are various species of aliens that look like Northern Europeans.  All together they are called Nordics.  3 of the species are Lyrans, Pleiadians, and Tall Whites.  There are probably other species as well.  They have influenced various cultures over time.  There have been people that have interacted with these aliens.  They may have dealing with various governments.
They have blond and red hair.  Their eyes are blue, black, and green.  They could grow to be over 6 feet tall.  Sum of them has ears.  They wear body suits and sometimes wear human clothes.  They are telepathic vegetarians and most of them are of service to other orientation.  They are able to shape-shift.  They are able to merge their minds together and move one person's soul into another person body.  When I was younger I wanted to jump into other people bodies, which they can do!!!!!!
They live in the Lyra constellation.  From there they traveled to different areas of the Milky Way.  They have psychic powers and may be able to manipulate reality.  They lived in peace and were farmers.  They got attacked by the Draconians, which made them want to live in other parts of the galaxy.  Some Lyrans were genetically modified by the Dracos.  Dr. Bruce Goldberg said Lyrans and Draconians were fighting each other near earth millennia ago, and influenced Lemuria and Atlantis.  Humans may have worshiped Lyrans in the past.  They were created by the Vegans or they are their brothers. 
They are refugees of Lyra and they are related to Earthers.  Their lifespan is 700 years!!!  They wanted to help us spiritually evolve, so I've read.  Earthers (humans native to earth) becoming one consciousness may be their goal.  Grays and Reptoids are beefing with the them.  Sum Pleiadians are are sinister, but not the majority.   
Tall Whites
They are 6-10 feet tall and they wear white outfits.  People have being seeing these aliens since the end of the 19th century.  They have a longer lifespan then Earthers.  They get taller as they get older.  They have a pencil like weapon which can be used to stun or kill someone.  Sum of them may be blue.  Charles Hall was in the air-force and he interacted with them.  They saw him as a pet.  They see people of high social status as superior and people of low social status as inferior.
Cultural Influence
There are several American tribes that believe their ancestors were Pleiadians.  Africans came in contact with Nordics centuries or millennia ago.  The Nordics had a metallic device that gave them the ability to teleport.  Sum Africans called these aliens Mazungu.  They called Europeans the same name because they looked like them.  The Pleiades star cluster was in a lot of peoples' mythology.
They have contacted several humans on earth, such as Billy Meier.  He met the first Pleiadian when he was 5.  The Pleiadian male was elderly.  After the alien died he met another.  But it wasn't Pleiadian.  Later on he met the granddaughter of the elderly Pleiadian.  He wrote 40 books about the Pleiadians. He have been interacting with aliens since the 40's.   Billy may be insane because he thinks he's a prophet or messiah.  He may have been lied too and he may think Jesus was an alien. 
Barbara Marciniak is a channeler (a mouthpiece for other entities).  She have channeled Pleiadians.  4 books was written about them by her.  Sometimes she gives lectures and have workshops.  In her 1st book it says the Pleiadians come from another universe.  They came from the future to make sure we don't become tyrannical or so it seems.       
Government Deals
The Iranian government believes the Tall Whites are controlling the U.S. government.  I thought it was the Grays and/or Reptoids controlling the U.S. government.  TWs may have assisted the Nazis in WWII.  The Tall Whites want to control all the information in the world, so the story goes.

In the 40's the Pleiadians or sum other Nordic species wanted to give the U.S. government advanced technology.   In exchange 4 giving up their nuclear weapons.  The government turned them down and made a deal with the Grays. 
Nordics look like Northern Europeans and come in different species.  They have influenced people around the world.  Their demeanor tends to peaceful, but some of them are evil.   Sum Earthers have interacted with them face to face.  Sum had spoken to them telepathically.  They have made deals with certain governments 4 good or ill.  Sum Reptoids made themselves look like Nordics, so be careful. 
Nordic Contact
Lyrans & Vegans
Who Controls the U.S. government?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Alchemy is inbetween magic and science.  This practice started in Kemet and gave birth to chemistry.  It has a long history and various people did it.  Alchemy became popular in Middle, East, Europe, China, and India.  Alchemy comes in different types.  2 major organizations still practice alchemy.  There were sum famous alchemists.  The symbols of this discipline is numerous.  It is still practiced today!!!!!   
Alchemy is transmutation.  Its's the turning of one substance into another.  Sum alchemists in the past wanted to turn lead into gold.  Lead is a represents the body.  Gold is the represents the soul.  Metaphorically turning lead into gold is turning animal-man into God-man.  Alchemists also looked 4 cures to diseases.         
Alchemy started in Kemet by Tehuti.  Tehuti knowledge was contained 2 pillars.  These pillars contained the Emerald Tablet of Tehuti.    Alchemists wrote various papyri dealt with making alloys, dyeing, metals, etc.  Different metals represent different planets.  Gold=Sun, tin=Mercury, copper=Venus, silver=Moon, iron=Mars, electrum=Jupiter, and lead is Saturn.  The Greeks and Romans learned alchemy from Kemetians.  They had tradition called Hermeticism that dealt a lot with alchemy.
Muslim alchemy started over a millennium ago.  They translated many Greek texts sum of which had alchemical information.  Syriac Christians helped Muslims with translations.  Islamic alchemist believed alchemy could bring them closer to Allah.  From alchemy they created chemistry.  The Moors transmitted this knowledge to Europe.
There were Chinese alchemists.  Alchemy played a big part in Taoism.  The body has 5 elements: fire, metal, earth, wood, water.  Each element had more/less Yin or Yang.  The focus of Chinese alchemy is obtaining immortally.  They told by ingesting fake gold they could become immortal.  Outer alchemy dealt with creating elixirs.  Inner alchemy deals with cultivating jing, chi, and shen.  You do this by meditating and breathing exercises.                         
Indian alchemy dealt a lot with Tantra (form of Hinduism).  Several alchemical books were written in medieval India.  Some of the alchemists came up with ways to cure diseases.  They came up with elixirs and therapy as a way to alleviate disorders.
Alchemical knowledge from China and India made its way to Tibet.  It became a part of Tibetan Buddhism.     Tibetan alchemists believed the philosopher stone turned poison into medicine.  They worked a lot with herbs.         
Types of Alchemy
Spiritual: This is about spiritual elevation.

Psychological: This is about turning emotions into reason.

Artistic: This is about making trans-formative art.

Social: This is about improving society by turning vices into virtues.

Practical:  This is about creating healing substance.   

Therapeutic: This is about using different healing modalities.

The Rosicrucian Order and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn deals a lot with alchemy.  You can learn about spiritual alchemy from The Rosicrucian Order.  They also have their own symbols.  The Hermetic Order the Golden Dawn uses alchemy 4 higher states of consciousness.  Sex and love can assist in achieving those higher states. 

Famous Alchemists
Tehuti: He is the neter (god) of intelligence and writing in the Kemetic religion.  Some people believe he was a living person that came from Atlantis to Kemet.  He is the Father of Alchemy and several other sciences. 

Pseudo-Democritus: Famous writer of alchemy books.

Zosimus: He defined alchemy as the study water and spirit.  He was also a Gnostic.

Maria Prophetissa:  She may have discovered hydrochloric acid.

Kleopatra: She invented the alembic.

Ko Hung: Taoist that created first aid.

Khalid ibn Yazid: He had alchemical books translated to Arabic.

Zhang Guo: He was a Taoist with a interest in necromancy.  He was also a master of Qigong. 

Nargarjuna: He tried to find a formula 4 immortality.

Al-Razi: He wrote 20 alchemical books.  He knew how to distill alcohol.

Albertus Magnus: He was a magickian and wrote commentaries on Aristotle writing. 

Roger Bacon: He wrote alchemical text.

John Dee: He created Enochian Magick.  He was the original 007 and a polymath.

Isaac Newton:  He was an occultist and philosopher.

Rudolf Steiner: Great philosopher!!!

Birds: ascending means evaporation and descending means condensation.  if they are doing both it is distillation.  A black bird means putrefaction.  White bird means purification.  Rooster means conjunction and peacock means fermentation.     

Basilisk: It means mercury and sulfur mixing together in cinnabar.  It also means blending the higher self with lower self.

Dragon: It represented mercury.  Black is decay, green is the kinetic energy, red is chaos.

Rose: Red-lust & love, white-purity, black-death, pink-appreciation, yellow-communication, orange-happiness, blue-spiritual retreat, and gold-self actualization. 

Ciphers: Glyphs used by alchemists for different ideas. 

The Greeks and Romans used the symbol of the serpent to represent wisdom and immorality.  The staff of Hermes is used in hospitals.
Becoming Chemistry
A Muslim alchemist created chemistry.  His name was Jabir Ibn Hayyan.  He is the "Father of Chemistry."  Did many experiments with chemicals.  He thought the chemist had to experiments to better understand chemistry.  He knew about molecules, discovered various acids, and created a periodic table.     
Alchemy is causing one substance into another.  It as many dimensions.  Such as practical, spiritual, mental, artistic, social, and therapeutic.  The Rosicrucian Order and the Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn practice alchemy, but there are others.  There were many famous alchemists and a lot of symbols.  Finally alchemy led to chemistry.     
Kemetic Alchemy
Idiots Guide to Alchemy
Indian Alchemy
Guide to Becoming an a Magician