

Friday, September 21, 2018

Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing is being able to see places, people, objects throughout space-time in the mind.  There are several techniques that will help you RV.  There have been several significant incidents in history that remote viewers have seen.   The United States and Russia have used RV to spy on each other. 
1.  Meditate to clear the mind.   2.  Pick a target.  3. Be open to receiving information about your target.  4.  Interpret the information.  5.  Record what you perceive.  6. Lengthen the space(distance) and/or time(past/future) of your remote viewing over time.  You can use google maps to check the validity of what you see.
Historical Phenomenon
Some remote viewers have seen 9/11.  They saw that it wasn't the official story.  There was a cover up.  Other viewers seen the battle between Mars and Maldek.  Ingo Swann seen the ring around Jupiter b4 astronomers knew about.  He also saw aliens and technology on the dark side of the moon.  A member of the Rainbow Project predicted where a satellite would fall a year b4 it happened.  Remote viewers saw Moses get assistance for aliens.  Could Yahweh been the leader of an alien fleet?  The ark of the covenant contains a alien weapon.  Some viewers seen ancient Atlantis.  Remote viewers have also seen other universes as well.             
U.S. RV Spying
The Stargate Project was created by the CIA.  Remote viewing was known as psychoenergetics by the CIA.  The U.S. military and intelligence agencies wanted to use psychic powers to spy on other countries and attack their enemies.  There was some success in information gathering, but it should be used with other methods.  It lasted from 1978 till 1995.     
The Soviets studied psychic powers as well.  They called it psychotronics.  The studies lasted for 85 years (1917-2003) and it costed $1 billion.  Scientists of the USSR thought the brain could emit electromagnetic waves that influence objects.  That reminds me of telekinesis. 
Remote Viewing is amazing!!!!!!!  It can be done by anyone.  Significant events in space-time can be seen by RVing.  The Stargate project was created by U.S. agencies to use remote viewing to spy on others among other things.  The USSR had something similar to the Stargate Project. 

Stargate Project

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Enochian Magick

This form of magick have been around since the late 16th century.  Several people have changed EM to suit themselves.  It can be used for several things.  Symbols play an important role in this type of magick.  It is a complex system, but it may be simple to do.  People had different experiences with form of magick.
This form of magick was created by John Dee and Edward Kelly.  John D was 007, he worked for the English crown.  He was a philosopher, mathematician, astrologer, magician, adviser, navigator, author, and secret agent.  He wanted England to become the British Empire.  He had a huge library!!!!  He founded  away to commune with angels.  Edward Kelly scryed 4 JD.  He was given the Enochian language by angels.

This form of magick comes out of older forms of angel magick practiced in Europe.  This type of ceremonial magick took 7 years to make.  It was complete in 1589.  It is very simple to do, though it seems complex.

Later on people created their own version of EM.  One of those people was Aleister Crowley.  He called the Aethyrs and he wrote about it and made a recording.  He was in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn @ the time.

Anton LaVey created satanic versions of the calls because he was evil.
This form of magick can give you visions.  It can also help you manifest your desires.  It deals with 5 elements.  Spirit can give you greater vitality.  Fire can help you behave better.  Air can help you think better.  Water can improve your emotions.  Earth can help you attract $.  They are many other uses as well.

Enochian Magic for Beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic