

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sea People

The Aegean Sea is the home of the Sea People.  They were a collaboration of different ethnic groups.  Some of them were African, others were Caucasian.  They destroyed the Hittite Empire.  The Kemetians defeated them.
They came from the Aegean Sea and surrounding regions.  They were the result of the Bronze Age collapse and /or the destruction of Troy.  Around 1200 BCE a lot of civilizations experienced natural disasters.  I assume the Sea People came from a civilization that experienced natural disasters and/or famine.  Because of that, they looked 4 new places to live and a meal ticket.  They encountered people living where they wanted to live so they fought them.

There were @ least 10 tribes of Sea People.  They are as follows: Denyen, Eqwesh, Karkisa, Lukka, Peleset, Shekelesh, Sherden, Teresh, Tjekker, Lebu, and Weshesh. These different tribes were written about by the Kemetians, Hittites, and ancient Syrians.  

The Sherden were a semi-African tribe.  They were part of the Kemetic army in Byblos.  They became bodyguards for Rameses II when he was battling the Hittites. Some of them fought the Kemetians as Sea People, while others fought alongside the Kemetians against the Sea People.  They wore horned helmets in battle and may have worn bronze amour.
The Peleset (Mixed) were allied to the Sherden.  They wore feathered helmets into battle. Some of them fought the Kemetians, while others fought alongside them.  The Peleset are commonly called Philistines.  They conquered a part of Cannan or it was given to them by the Kemetians.
Tjekker (African) warriors fought with swords, shields, and spears.  They may have been Trojans that were displaced after the war.  They fought the Kemetians with other Sea people and lost.  Wen-Amon went to a city named Dor and gold was stolen from his ship by Tjekker people.  So he talked to the mayor about it.

Denyen (Mixed) tribe were a great @ sailing and fighting.  They may have lived on an Island called Cilicia.  The tribe of Dan was founded by or incorporated the Denyen.
Shekelesh (African) attacked the Kemetians on 2 occasions.  They also worked 4 them too.  They carried a shield and 2 spears in battle.  They may have lived in Sicily.

Meshwesh (Caucasian) fought the Kemetians alongside the Libyans.  They fought naked only covering their penises.  They would shave one side of their head and leave the other side unshaved.  They were related to the Temehu.
The Lebu (Caucasian) lived west of Kemet.  They may have come from the Balkans. They had red hair, blue eyes and, and pale skin.  They had tattoos.  Rameses III had kidnapped a Lebu chief's child in response, the Lebu launched an attack on Kemet. They were defeated.

There are many other tribes can write about, but this will suffice.
Destruction of the Hittite Empire
The empire had political problems and food shortages.  Some of the vessels states rebelled against the central authority.  There was an earthquake in the capital.   After that the Sea People invaded.  The Hittites were no match 4 the Sea People because they were already weakened.    
Kemet Defeats the Sea People
The Sea People tried to invade Kemet during the reign of Rameses III.  The Kemetians defeated them on land and sea.  They shot a lot of arrows at them.  After that, some of the Sea People were enslaved by the Kemetians.
The Sea People were the result of the Bronze Age Collapse or the Trojan War.  They were African and Caucasian and composed of many different tribes.  They destroyed the Hittite Empire, various cities, and were defeated by the Kemetians.          
Tribes of the Sea
Hittite Destruction
1177 BC the Year Civilization Collapsed

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

African Medicine Wheel

What is the African Medicine Wheel?  How can it help you?  What tribe created it?  Is numerology involve?  How can I use it?  How do I fix an imbalance?

The African Medicine Wheel was created by the Dagara tribe.  It is a diagram that has 5 elements (fire/water/earth/mineral/nature).  Each element has certain traits.  Fire is assertive or aggressive.  It is the element closes to spirit.  Fire people are good @ predicting the future.  Water is peaceful.  Water people are great @ negotiations and they keep the peace. Earth is home.  Earth people look out for others.  They like to give to charity.  Mineral is all about communication.  Mineral people are artists and musicians that keep the memory of their tribe in their art and song.  Nature is transformation.  Nature people are mystics and psychics.

0-9, + or-
Each element has 2 numbers.  Fire is 2 & 7.  Water is 1 & 6.  Earth is 0 & 5.  Mineral is 4 & 9.  Nature is 3 & 8.  The last digit of your birth year determines what kind of person you are.  It like your sun sign.  The element you are determines your destiny to a degree.  It also determines your greatest strengths and weaknesses, somewhat. The first number of each element is masculine and second # is feminine.
Helpful Uses
By numerizing your name and the numbers of your birthdate (don't count the first 2 # in your birth year), you will find out how much of each element you have inside you.  You should have at least 3 fire. Water should be 3x as much as fire.  You should have at least 3 mineral, earth, and nature.  If you got all this your balanced.  You count all the first #s of the elements to find out how much masculine energy you have.  You do the same with the second numbers to find out how much feminine energy you have.  To be balanced your masculine energy should be 3 times as much your feminine energy.

By doing all of this you can find out if you any imbalances.  If you lack balance your life won't be as good as it could be.  Maat is Supreme.  In the next paragraph, I will tell you how to fix imbalances.
Maat fixes Isfet
If you lack fire you can go to a sweat lodge to increase it.  If you lack water you can take ritual baths.  If you lack earth you can meditate on a mountain or in a cave.  If you need more mineral carry crystals with you. If you need more nature spend more time in the woods.  Go camping more often.  I don't know how to increase masculine or feminine energy.

The African Medicine Wheel Book:: Creating Lifespace in the Ways of the African Medicine Wheel Home Decorating Book

Linda James

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is internal martial art based on Qigong.  It has a long history.  Tai Chi has different styles and techniques.  Most people use it 4 exercise.  It has many health and spiritual benefits.
This is an exercise that helps your chi flow better.  It deals a lot with posture and breathing.  It has 4 main practices.  They are as follows: dynamic, static, meditative, and use of external agents.  It has 75 ancient forms and 56 modern forms.  There are Taoist, Buddhist, and Confuciusian types of Qigong.

A Taoist monk named Zhang San Feng created Tai Chi about a 1,000 years ago.  He may have created it in the Shaolin Temple.  Zhang saw a snake and crane fight each other.  That inspired him to create Tai Chi.  Its a Qigong martial art.  Tai Chi helps people balance Yin-Yang in their body, mind, and spirit.  Yang Cheng Fu was the first person to teach it in public.  Tai Chi means Ultimate Supreme Boxing.
There are five main styles of Tai Chi.  Chen focuses energy bursts and fast and slow movements.  Yang is the most popular style.  Wu Hao has eazy postures and tough techniques.  It uses the mind to control qi.  Wu is the second most popular style of Tai Chi.  Sun is very soft and flowing.  It is the easiest style to perform.  One of the techniques is focusing on your breathing.  Another technique is is standing mediation.  Each style has its own techniques.
You warm up by relaxing your whole body.  Windmill exercise: move your upper body in a circular motion.  Knee Rolls: Put your hands on your knees and move them in circular motion.  Hand Rotation: Move your hands in a circular motion.  
Health Benefits
Tai Chi reduces stress and pain.  Improves your mood and decreases depression.  Reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure, and improves heart function.  It makes you more flexible and increases energy.  It makes you more balanced and stronger.  
Tai Chi is a form of Qigong.  It has a long history and 5 main styles.  Most people use Tai Chi 4 exercise today.  It has many health benefits.    