

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Isis is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda.  Isis purpose is 2 create a caliphate.  Salafi is an ultraconservative form of Islam, that's what they follow.  They have been raising hell in Asia and Africa. They have a billion dollars worth of assets.  They have been helped and hindered by various countries and organizations.
Isis splintered off from Al-Qaeda in Iraq.  They were defeated in 2007.  Later, they regrouped and went into Syria during the Arab Spring.  They increased their ranks by setting Iraqi prisoners free.  Al-Qaeda fell out with them in 2014., because Isis was too brutal.

They want 2 create their own Islamic nation.  They use to rule central Iraq, but not anymore.  The Iraqi people were afraid of them.  Children were kidnapped and indoctrinated.  Now, these children live in mainstream society.  The victims of Isis are afraid of these children.

This form of Islam is Sunni.  It was created in Egypt during the 1800's.  It was a reaction to European conquest.  Muslims that follow this form of Islam believe they should behave like Muslims did during the time of the prophet.  There are 3 types of people that follow this.  Purists don't get involved in politics.  Activists are political. Jihadists want to topple the government.  Salafism has similarities to Wahhabism.
They have killed over 2,000 people in 31 countries.

Asia: Women were raped and put in sex slavery in Syria and Iraq.  Isis killed several soldiers in Yemen @ a military base.  25 soldiers were killed in Benghazi. Isis attacked a police station in the capital of Saudi Arabia.  No one was harmed.  A police officer was assassinated in Riyadh by Isis.  Supporters of Isis suicide bombed a military base in Yemen killing 30 police officers.  There were many more attacks but this will suffice.
Africa: A Frenchman decapitated by Isis supporters in Algeria.  Isis attacked a hotel in Liyba killing 10 or more people.  Isis supporters attack Egyptian police and military station killing 26 people.  Isis decapitated 21 Coptic Christians in Libya.  There were other attacks as well.
Europe(West Asia): A member of Isis shot people @ the Jewish Museum in Belgium. An Isis sympathizer killed 6 people in France.  An Isis supporter tried 2 suicide bomb a chemical factory in France.   A Russian military base may have been attacked by Isis. There were many other attacks as well.
North America: A Canadian soldier runs someone over in support of Isis.  A man with hatchet attacked 4 police officers in NYC.  He was inspired by Isis.  2 men shoot a security guard in Dallas. They were also inspired by Isis.  An Isis sympathizer shot a cop in Philly.  These are sum of the attacks in North America.
Isis sells oil and electricity.  They may be producing over 20,000 barrels of oil a day. They extort $ from humanitarian workers.  They have a lot of military weapons, which they sell to other terrorists.  They tax business and individuals.  They received a lot of $ when they took over a bank in Mosul.  They sell artifacts and traffic drugs.  Darkweb is used by Isis to get donations.

Isis Supporters
Isis has been supported by the U.S., Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Gulf States, etc. Some of the weapons Isis uses come from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.  Isreal provides air support for Isis.  Turkey is supporting Isis because they are @ war with the Kurds. Gulf States help fund Isis.
Isis tried to take over Kurdistan years ago, but the Kurds defeated them.  There are Shia militias that fought Isis in Iraq.  Hezbollah is beefing with Isis too.  They may be backed by the Lebanese military and Iran. Russia has kicked Isis in the rear.   Iran and Russia want 2 protect the Syrian government.  They have my support.

Isis comes from Al Qaeda in Iraq.  They want 2 create a caliphate.  They follow a very conservative form of Islam called Salafi.  They have killed more than 2,000 people in 3 continents.  They have various ways making $.  They are supported and opposed by different nations and organizations.                  

Israeli Support of Isis

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Nanotechnology is super small machinery.  It has a long history.  It has many applications such as medicine, weapons, communication, electronics, food, fabric, space, etc.  There are many dangers in nanotechnology such as lung damage, brain damage, damage to other organs, mind control, invasion of privacy, gray goo, etc.
Nanotechnology is the manipulation of atoms and molecules;  its the application of very small tools.  They are so small they can fit inside a germ.  This form of technology is very recent even though it was somewhat utilized in the past. Nanotechnology can lead to a new golden age or dark age.
This form of technology was used in the past, but the people that were using it didn't have a good grasp of it. Indians used nanotechnology over 2 millennia ago!  They made nanotubes out of wootz steel. Mesopotamians used nanotechnology in their painting of pottery.  Europeans utilized it in painting pottery as well.  Richard Feynman came up with the idea of modern-day nanotechnology.  He talked about it in a lecture he gave in 1959.  Norio Taniguchi was the first person to say nanotechnology in 1974. K. Eric Drexler was the first person to get a degree in nanotechnology.  He came up with the idea of grey goo.
Nanobots (small robots) can be used to deliver medicine to cancer cells.  They can also be used to improve brain cells by improving the electrical firing of the synapses. Toxins from food can be removed by nanobots. Long-distance messages can be delivered by them.  They can be programmed to enhance clothing.  It could become stain resistant and fire and bulletproof.  They could be used to improve our genome so diseases could be eradicated.  In the distant future, they can be used to communicate with extraterrestrials.
If nanobots replicate on a massive scale by disassembling organic material that could be the end of all life on earth.  That's the grey goo scenario.  Nanobots can be used by a military or terrorists to control people minds and/or kill them.  Nanoparticles in food could lead to disease.  Nanotechnology could be used to re-engineer humanity.  It could change our genes and cause us to have cancer and other illnesses.  Morgellons disease is that causes fibers to grow inside a person skin.  The fibers contain pathogens.  It a cyborg disease. It is both biological and mechanical.  This disease may come from chemtrails.  
Nanotechnology is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I blew up when I read about as a teenager. Tools created that are smaller than germs is nanotechnology.  It has been around a long time.  It has many great applications and dangers.  It is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!