

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Democracy is a political ideology.  It has been used worldwide.  The Oromo, Iroquois, India, Sumer, and Athenians were democratic.  Rome wasn't democratic, but it had a big impact on future democracies. There were democracies in several parts of Europe and some Islamic kingdoms were democratic.  There several criticisms of democracy.
There are 2 kinds of democracies.  The first one is a direct democracy.  Citizens vote on each policy. Athens is a good example of this.  Adult male citizens voted, but women and slaves couldn't.  The last democracy is a representative democracy.  Citizens elect officials that vote on policies 4 them.  The U.S. is a good example of this.  Citizens vote for officials in the 3 branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial).  Democracy is simply the rule of the majority.  Plato called democracy mob rule.
Oromo Democracy
The Oromo created Gaddaa.  It was a system of social stratification based on age.  Each level lasted for 8 years.  There were 3 forms of government.  They are national, regional, and local.  The national government is lead by Abbaa (president) and 2 deputies.  The work with a council of leaders called Luba.  The national government create laws, control the military, diplomacy, etc.  Their governments had checks and balances. There were a legislative, executive, judicial branches.  They had 5 different political parties.  Maasai. Nuer, Kikuyu tribes have a similar system of social stratification as Gadaa.

Oromo women had a system similar to Gaddaa.  It was Siqqee.  Women had the power to bless and curse. Waaqa (God) created women to be revered and respected.  If a man hurts a woman, he might have gotten beaten up, whipped, pinched, forced to walk on the rocky ground, his cow may have been taken from him, etc. Women stuck together and helped each other.

The Oromo had their own country b4 Abyssinia took it over.  Abyssinia was able to take over Oromia because they got weapons from Europeans.  A lot of Oromos were killed.  Some of the Oromos were sold into slavery.
Iroquois Government
The Iroquois is a confederacy of 5 tribes.  They are as followed: MohawkOneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca nations.  The confederacy was created in 1570.  This confederacy was ruled by a congress. The delegates on the congress were men.  They were selected by elderly women in the tribe.  They had a constitution called the great law of peace.  The U.S. Constitution was inspired by the Great Law of Peace. The founding fathers would go to Iroquois governmental meetings. 
Indian Goverments
Democracy is mentioned in the Vedas.  Indian republics are mentioned in Buddhist texts. Ancient Greeks came across several Indian democracies.  Diodorus said Alexander seen Indian nations that were democratic and some ruled by kings.  Indian republics eventually became monarchies.

In Bangladesh Gopala, I was elected by chiefs of tribes.  He brought stability to the region.  He ruled for 27 years.  He was the first king of Pala Empire.      

Sumerian Government
At first, Sumer was ruled by priests.  During times of great upheaval, an assembly would elect a person to be king.  Once the crisis was over they would step down.  After while the people who selected to be king wouldn't step down and a monarchy was created.
Athenian Democracy
All the free men could vote in Athens.  Women, aliens, and slaves could not vote.  Athens had a direct democracy. There weren't any representatives.  Free men voted on every policy.  Other Greek city-states were democratic as well.  Athens had a very complex government with checks and balances.  
Roman Influence on Modern Democracy
The Rome was the first nation to have legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government clearly divided.  There were 2 classes of people in Rome.  Patricians were upper class and the plebeians were lower class.  10 plebeians were on the tribune.  They had the power to veto (I forbid) in law passes by the senate.  They vetoed laws they thought were bad for plebeians.  They created rule of law.  The laws applied to everyone regardless of class.  
European Democracies
The Isle of Man has a parliament for over 1000 years!!!!!!  Iceland has parliament called Althing.  Farmers have selected the members of Althing 4 a long period of time.  It is also over a millennium.  One time in Sweden a king wanted to attack Norway, but the people were against it.  Someone gave a speech about the political power coming from people.  Warriors hit their swords on their shields.  The king decided to not war with Norway.  In Ireland, there were assemblies called Tuatha.  it was composed of landowners and craftsmen.  They voted on policies, elected kings, and decide to go to war.  Guilds elected their leaders. There were city-states in Itlay ruled by guilds.  Slavs had assemblies called veche.  They had legislative and judicial power.  The Basque were ruled by elizate.  Elizate: farm owners would meet in churches and discuss problems and decide on solutions.  England and Scotland have the Magna Carta.  It limits the power of the king and habeas corpus.  The English parliament was created in 1256.                 
Islamic Democracy
6 men choose Uthman to be king because Umar told them too.  He assembled them while he was dying. Ibadites of Oman had elections 4 their leaders.     


Democracy has been around for millennia!!!!  Many different groups of people have been democratic through history.  Rome had a big impact on modern day democracy.  Democracy is a good for a highly educated and informed populations.  The U.S. should get rid of the electoral college so it can have a better democracy.                 
Oromo Democracy

Thursday, July 20, 2017

African Sub-Races

There are 5 sub-races in Africa.  They are more related to each other more than any other group of people. They are as follows: Khoisan, Pygmy, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Congo, and Afrasan.  They each created their own language family and have their own culture.  They mixed with each other and non-Africans over the millennia.

They are composed of 2 different, but related peoples.  These type of peoples was more widespread in Africa millennia ago.  They speak with clicks in their languages. They believe a good god lives in the east and an evil god lives in the west.  They believe in an afterlife.  They know ancestral spirits influence the living. Eibib is a great hero in their mythology.  He had many deaths and resurrections.  Gagwasi is the spirit of death.  They have a creation story similar to the one in the Bible.  They have the oldest X & Y chromosomes.  L0d, L0k, and L5c are most popular X chromosomes in this population.  A2, A3b1,  and B haplogroups are the most popular Y chromosomes of this population.  Some of them mixed with the Bantu. Others were displaced.  Some died from diseases they caught by Europeans because they lacked immunity. There was a Caucasian migration into Africa 3,000 years ago.  Some Khoisan people mixed with them or mixed with other Africans that mixed with them.

The San are the oldest people in the world.  They live in South Africa and surrounding areas.  The men are great hunters.  They could look at an animal track and know if it male or female and how old the track is. They like to dance themselves into a trance. Sometimes they do it to heal people.  2/3 of the men and 1/3 of the women are shamans.  They made a lot of prehistoric rock art in southern Africa.  They are some of the most peaceful people on earth!  Credo Mutwa grandfather was San person. The first Europeans are called the Grimaldi.  They were San people.

The Khoi-Khoi are the descendants of the of the San or they have common ancestors. They are cattle herders.  Khoi-Khoi women are the thickest women in the world!!!!!! They are very beautiful.  In their society, the one who owns the most cattle is the wealthiest.  Sarah Baartman was a Khoi-Khoi woman that lived in South Africa.  She moved to London than Paris.  Europeans were fascinated by her appearance.   They would come and view her while she was on stage.  After they stop viewing her, she became a prostitute. She died at 25; I think she was killed by an STD.  The French took out her organs and stuffed her body.  They put her body, organs, and genitalia on display in the Museum of Men.  Now the body is buried in the South Africa.  She was the inspiration for European women wearing dresses that made their butt look big.

At one time everyone on earth was a pygmy.  The Khoisan were pygmies long ago. There are several different tribes of pygmies.  They are/were hunter-gathers.  They live in the rainforest and other parts of Africa.  Some of them use to live on near the border of Mali.  Dogon saw them when they moved in. Pygmies spoke their own language, now they speak the language of the surrounding people.  They hunt elephants or at least they use too.  They put poison on the tip of their arrows.  Khoisan people do this as well. Their music is polyrhythmic and some of them play the water drums.  They also have a creation story similar to the bible. Mama DNA: L0a, L1c, L2a2, and L5.   Papa DNA is B.  Some pygmy tribes mixed with the Bantu.

Ota Benga was a pygmy that was put in the Brooklyn Zoo by Europeans.  He was part of the human zoo exhibit.  B4 that he was put in a zoo.  He danced like American Warriors on a stage in front of a crowd of European.  Geronimo was impressed, so he gave him an arrowhead.

Some of Pygmies were killed and eaten during the Congo Civil War. The people that ate them thought their bodies had magic powers.  In ancient times warriors believed by consuming the enemy you get it power. This is the essence of communion.  There are pygmies in other parts of the world.  Pygmy means small, any tribe that is less 5 feet is pygmy.  This paragraph is only about African pygmies.

Nilo-Saharan people may have originated in the Sudan.  They come in 2 varieties. Sudanic and Nilotic. Sudanic people had a lot to do with the creation of Kemet. Nubians are a Sudanic tribe.  Nilotic people tend to be tall and love cattle.  Obama father was a member of the Luo tribe.  The Luo tribe is half Nilotic.  Nilo-Saharan people come from the Khoisan people.  The Nilo-Saharan people live in Nile Valley, East Africa, Central Africa, and West Africa.

Mama DNA: L3h, L4, L5a, L5b, L5c
Papa DNA: A3b2, B2a1, E2a

My African ancestors are most likely were Niger-Congo.  Niger-Congo Africans happen to be my favorite Africans.  I think Niger-Congo people and Nilo-Saharan people had common ancestors.  The Niger-Congo people lived in West Africa 4 millennia.  They believed in a creator, nature spirits, and ancestral spirits. Voodoo has a Niger-Congo origin.  They used fishing rods in prehistoric times.  The Niger-Congo language is the biggest language family in Africa!  It is the 3rd biggest language family in the world. They are the most popular and numerous Africans.  They are the generic African. This is because during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade most of the Africans enslaved were Niger-Congo.

Mama DNA: L2a1, L2b, L2c, L2d, L2e, and L3e.
Papa DNA: B2a1, E1, E3a, E3a7

The Bantu people are Niger-Congo people that left West Africa and traveled all over the continent.  They are in 16 African nations and they live abroad.  I took a KiSwahili class in college.  KiSwahili is a Bantu language.  I also had a Bantu friend from Tanzania, while in college.  There is a book about the Bantu called Indaba, My Children.  The Bantu are farmers, but a Nubian girl taught them how to herd cattle. They made farming and iron technology more popular in Africa. They even went to Madagascar and met Indonesians. Then they made babies with them.

The Arabs enslaved a Swahili chief and took him to Yemen.  He escaped and went back home.  He taught his people Islam.  I assume he did it so they wouldn't get enslaved by Arabs.  Arabs brought some enslaved Bantu people to Somalia.  The Bantu are seen as slaves by some Somalis because of this.  Sometimes Somalis and Bantu don't get along and battle each other.  I think this because Bantus are mistreated in Somalia.  They should get along with each other since they are both African.  Sometimes Bantu enslave the Pygmies.  They should treat them better since that's their ancestors.

These are most famous Africans because the Kemeteu were in large part were Afrasan.  Arabic is the 2nd biggest language in Africa.  It is a Semitic language, which is a part of the Afro-Asiatic language family.  This language family was created by Afrasan people.  All the branches of the Afro-Asiatic language family are spoken in Africa exclusively except the Semitic branch.  Semitic languages originated in Central Eastern Africa.  The Semitic alphabet was created in Lebanon.  The letters were based on the hieroglyphs of Metu Neter.  Ancestors of Afrasan people were the Africans that gave birth to non-Africans.  The Ga tribe came from Canaan.  They may even be Hebrew.  Original Chadic, Cushite, Semitic, Omotic, Berber peoples are Afrasan.  The Metu Neter, Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, Amharic, Oromo, Coptic, Akkadian, and Ge'ez are all Afrasan languages.

Mama DNA: L3a, L3f, L3i, L3x,L3h, L4, L5c, and L6.
Papa DNA:B, E3b, E3b1, E3b1a, E3b1a1, E3b2, E3b3, Eb6, J, and K2.

Non -African Mama DNA (M-N) comes from L3.  Nubians have the oldest L3.

Pygmie Tribes

Nilo-Saharan Tribes

Niger-Congo Tribes
Tutsi (originally Nilotic and/or Cushite)

Afrasan Tribes

This 5 African sub-races are amazing!!!!!!!!!!  They all have their own cultures.  They have many similarities and differences.  Unity in diversity.  They are many tribes that are an admixture of these sub-races. Examples are the Chagga, Lou, Oromo, Xhosa, Hutu, Tutsi, Habesha, Berbers, Fulani, Hausa, Hadza etc.  Cushites and Nilo-Saharan people had a lot of babies together.  I love Africans!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pygmy Kitabu: A revealing account of the origin and legends of the African Pygmies 

The Lost History of the Little People: Their Spiritually Advanced Civilizations around the World
Nilo-Saharan People
Niger-Congo People
Afrasan People
San People
Sarah Baartman
European lady raised by San

Friday, July 14, 2017


Tupac is the greatest rapper of all time!!!!  His mom had a big impact on him.  He went to Baltimore School of Arts when he was 15.  His music career started when he joined Digital Underground.  He later went solo and signed to Interscope.  Then went to prison; Suge Knight got him out, so he joined Death Row.  Biggie was a close friend to Tupac, but they fell out because he thought Biggie had something to do with him being shot.  He has many albums and played in several movies.  He is the only person to make more albums dead than alive.  He had several interviews and started on 2 tv shows.  Cops didn't like Tupac.  "They get jealous when they see you with your mobile phone."  Pac had several court cases.  The identity of 1996 shooter is known.  He had a big impact worldwide.

He was born a month and 3 days after his mom got out of prison.  His mom (Afeni Shakur) and other Black Panthers were falsely accused of planning to bomb places in NYC.  Afeni defeated the prosecution by herself.  Tupac's father and step-father were Black Panthers.  His step-father name was Mutulu Shakur.  His sister is Assata Shakur. She is wanted by the U.S. government because she fried sum pigs.  She had lived in prison but escaped and fled to Cuba.  Long live Assata Shakur!!!!!!  Tupac's godfather was Geronimo Pratt a leader in the Black Panther Party.  Cointelpro framed him and he spent 27 years in jail. Johnnie Cochran helped him get out of jail. Cointeltelpro (Counter Intelligence Program) targeted groups they thought were anti-government.  The Black Panthers were one of the groups on the FBI hit list.

His birth name was Lesane Parish Crooks.  His mom changed his name to Tupac Shakur a year later. Tupac is the first name of a Peruvian revolutionary.  Shakur mean thankful to god in Arabic.  Tupac had an older step-brother named Mopreme Shakur. He became one of Tupac's disciples.  Sekyiwa Shakur is his little sister.

When Pac was 12 he was a character in the Raisin of the Sun at the Apollo.

Teenage Years
In 1986 his family moved to Baltimore.  He attended Baltimore School of Art.  At this school, he learned acting, poetry, jazz, etc.  There were rap battles in school and Pac was triumphant!!!!!!!  He was a cool kid because all his classmates loved him.  He became Jada Pickett Smith best friend while attending this school. He wrote 2 poems about Jada.  They are called Jada and Tearz in Cupid's Eyes.  I think they should have dated.  Pac joined the Young Communist League.

When he was 17 his family moved to California.  He attended Tamalpais High School. He wrote poems and acted at this school.  The next year he went to poetry classes. He had a concert and then he was signed to Anton Gregory.

Music Career
After he got signed to Anton Gregory he joined Digital Underground.  The first song he rapped on was Same Song.  When Pac made I Get Around DU song with help from DU.  He was with DU for 4 years.  They did 5 tours, one of which was in Japan!

When Tupac left DU he signed to Interscope.  His first album was 2Pacalypse Now. The album was about problems in the Black community.  His 2nd album was called Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z.  Some songs contained his political and social views.  It was more successful than his first album.

In 1993 2pac made a group called Thug Life.  His step-brother was a member.  They created an album called Thug Life Volume 1.   His album Me Against The World came out in 1995.  It is one of the greatest albums of all times.  It came out while he was in prison.

Tupac was put in jail because a woman accused him of rape.  Suge Knight got him out, so he joined Death Row.  He made All Eyez On Me while on the label.  That was the last album he made b4 he died.  Right b4 he died he was going to be the owner of Death Row East.  Death Row corrupted 2pac because he was surrounded by gangstas.

While on Death Row he created a group called Outlawz.  His step-brother and Big Skye joined the group. They were members of Thug Life when Tupac was on Interscope.  There was 10 Outlawz originally.

Biggie Beef
2pac and Biggie were close friends until 2pac got shot at the studio.  He was shot 5 times in 11/30/1994. People in prison told him "Biggie know who shot you."  He believed them. Dexter Isaac said he shot Tupac at the behest of Jimmy Henchmen. Dexter Isaac has life in prison and Jimmy Henchmen denies the allegations.  Jimmy said 2pac was his friend.

Tupac made Hit Em Up because he wanted to destroy Biggie verbally.  He had sex with Faith Evans when she was in California and Suge Knight had sex with her friend. Prior to all this Biggie was an opening act at some Pac 's concerts.

Most Popular Tracks
Trapped: This song is about being in a terrible society.

Brenda's Got A Baby: This song is about teenage pregnancy and poverty.

Keep Yo Head Up: The song was about problems in the black community.  The phrase keep yo head up means to remain positive during difficult circumstances.

I Get Around: It's about being a playa.

Dear Mama: It praises his mom 4 taking care of him.

Me Against The World: It dealt with problems in the hood.

My Block: An analysis of life in the hood.

California Love: It's about having fun.

Only God Can Judge Me Now: He explained his death in this song.

Life Goes On: It's a homage to his dead friend.

Hit Em Up: Greatest diss track of all time!!!!!

To Live & Die IN L.A.- It was a homage to L.A.

2 OF America's Most Wanted:  Pac and Snoop being are talking being G's on this song.

Changes: My favorite Pac song.  It's about the ills of the black community.  He gives advice and he talks about himself.

Until the End Of Time: This track was about his life in the hood and the music industry.

He was Jada Pickett Smith ex-boyfriend on A Different World.  He was on an episode of In Living Color.His first movie was Juice.  He killed his friends.  Omar Epps killed him at the end of the movie.  Poetic Justice was the second film he was in.  He was a postal clerk and got in a romantic relationship with Janet Jackson in the movie.  His 3rd movie was Above The Rim.  He was a drug dealer in this movie.  Pac was a drug kingpin in Bullet. Gridlock'd was about 3 heroin addicts, Pac was one of them.  Pac was a corrupt cop in Gang Related. There's a biopic about Tupac called All Eyez on Me.

Some of his interviews dealt with the plight of Black America.  In an interview in 1991, he talked about the cops hassling him.  In 1992 he talked about greed and the government helping minorities being independent. He felt it is wrong for a few people to have so much $, while most people poor.  He attacked capitalism in this interview.  He thought economic inequality was so absurd.  In another interview, he talked about gangsta rap reflecting life on the streets.  He feels people should defend themselves when someone harms them.  So do I.  He spoke on the Iran-Contra scandal as real violence and violent lyrics as fake violence.  His music was about people rizing up against the power elite.  One interview he spoke of the lack of security in black neighborhoods compared to white neighborhoods.

Cops Messing with Pac
In 1991 cops harassed Pac 4 jaywalking.  He cussed them out and they beat him up.

In 1993 2 drunk cops harassed a black male.  Tupac told them to stop, they wouldn't. He went back in his car and one of the cops busted his window with an illegal firearm.  Pac shot both of the cops out of self-defense.  It would've been nice if those pigs fried.

 Court Cases
He sued the police in 1991 for beating him up.  He got over $43,000.  Most of it went to the lawyers.

In 1992 a little boy got shot by mistake.  It was from a gun Tupac owned.  The mother of the little boy had a lawsuit against Pac.  Tupac paid her something like $400,000 to drop it.

On 4/5/1993 he was charged with assault because he was going to hit someone with a baseball bat.  He spent 10 days in jail 4 this.

In later 1993 he had a case with those cops he shot.  All charges were dropped because the cops were wrong for harassing and endangering people.

In 1994 he was sentenced to 15 days in jail 4 beating up the director of Menace II Society.

In 1995 he spent 9 months in jail because a women lied on him.

Tupac Death & Ressurection
Tupac was gun downed in Las Vegas 9/13/1996.  Orlando Anderson (Baby Lane) was the shooter. Orlando was beaten up in the casino right b4 the shooting.  Orlando may have gunned down 2pac because Pac was the first one to bomb on him.  Rumor has it Puffy paid sum Southside Crips to kill Pac.  Orlando was one them if this rumor is true.  There was a gang war after 2pac got killed and Anderson's legs got shot up. Orlando got killed in 1998 over a $ dispute.  Someone was supposed to pay him back, but they gave him a bullet instead of $.

Tupac lives on in my heart!!!!!!!!!!!

Pac Influence
50 Cent felt Pac had a big effect on rappers in the 90's.  Chuck Philips an instigative journalist said 2pac helped made rap a global phenomenon.  People around the world painted pictures of Pac.  There was a concert that had a hologram of 2pac.  Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony name was partially inspired by 2pac.  Pac was the first rapper to have a double album.  Other rappers followed suit.

Pac was greatly influenced by Black Panthers.  You can hear the influence in his music.  He was a great intellectual.  You can hear it in his interviews and songs.  He was a great actor.  You can see it in his movies. He didn't take no shit.  That's why the cops bothered him and; that's why he was always in court.  He was a great poet. Read his poems.  No other rapper can hold a candle to Pac.  Long live the king of Hip Hop!!!!!!

Pac on X
BET 92 Interview
Pac 93 Speech
Tupac Rules 4 Success
Tupac Facts
Tupac Funnies
Tupac false rape case
92 Interview 
93 Interview
Prison Interview
2pac Death Row Interview
MTV 1996 Interview
Pac's Lost Interview
Tupac Arsenio Hall
Nas Homage 2 Pac
Pac's Ex-Wife
2pac's Little Sister
2pac Pops
Origin of East and West Coast Beef