

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Jesuit Colleges

Jesuits are the ninjas of the Catholic Church.  There job is to remove any organization, people, or person that opposes the will of the Pope or the Superior General.  The current Pope is a Jesuit. Anywho they're highly intelligent and created a bunch of universities.  I will explain 5 them in great detail.  There are over 20 Jesuit colleges in the U.S.
Georgetown University
It was founded in 1789 in Washington D.C.  This university was created by Jesuits in Maryland. The Jesuits want to raise $ for GU and other schools in 1835; so they sold their 272 slaves to plantations in the South.  During the U.S. Civil War, most of the students joined the Union Army or the Confederate Army.  The school colors became blue and gray.  Blue was the color of the Union uniforms.  Gray was the color of Confederate uniforms.  Patrick Francis Healy became the 29th president of GU.  His mother was African and his father was Irish.  He founded the Law Department. About 20,000 students are enrolled in GU. There are 48 majors 4 undergraduates.  A student can get a master's in most of the majors after they complete their undergraduate training.  GU has a campus in Qatar.              
St. Louis University
It was founded in 1818 by a bishop.  My people were able to go to this university in 1944. This university had many sororities and fraternities.  A lot of politicians went to this university. There are many undergraduate and graduate programs.  St. Louis University has a campus in Madrid, Spain.
Spring Hill College
It was founded in 1830 by a bishop named Michael Portier.  He taught theology at Spring Hill College for the first 6 years.  Some of the Jesuits from this college were chaplains 4 the Confederate Army.  Children of Central American and Cuban leaders became students during the Reconstruction. My people were allowed to attend SHC in 1954.  117 students from Loyola University were accepted to SHC during Hurricane Katrina.  SHC has campuses in other states and in Bologna, Italy.
Xavier University
It was founded in 1831 in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Over 6,000 students go to Xavier.  It is named after St. Francis Xavier.  There are many sports in XU.  Football, basketball, baseball, and swimming are the most popular sports.  XU has great alumni.  Henry Heimlich was a professor there for 12 years.  He invented the Heimlich Maneuver. Several NFL players and politicians went to XU.
Loyola University New Orleans
It was founded in 1912.  It has 5,000 students.  This university was named after the city St. Ignatius lived in.  St. Ignatius, Peter Faber, and St. Xavier founded the Jesuits.  St. Ignatius was the first Superior General of the Society of Jesus.  My people were allowed to attend this university in 1952. The president of Xavier went to this university. LUNO has great undergraduate programs.  It is almost as good as my school. Hampton University!!!!!!!  Go Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!  
Jesuits make the best Catholic schools because they are the smartest Catholic priests. If you go to Catholic university it should be a Jesuit one.  I went to a high called Loyola. It would have been sweet if it wasn't all male.  Schools shouldn't only have one gender of students.  Because that promotes homosexuality.          


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Oxford University

Oxford University has a long history.  It has several buildings and organizations.  There are many libraries and museums on Oxford campus.  Oxford has great alumni.  There are many international students at Oxford.
OU was founded in the 13th century.  Students divided themselves into 2 camps.  It was North and South. A lot of Catholic priests lived in OU.  They were very influential.  OU and Cambridge University stopped other colleges from being created in England until 1802.  Some scholars left OU after the English Reformation.  People in OU supported the royal family during the English Civil War.  People in the town of Oxford supported the parliament.
OU is scattered throughout the city of Oxford.  Radcliffe Camera is the science library.  There are plays and musicals at Sheldonian Theatre.  OU has a garden and a park.  Wytham Woods is used for climate and animal research.
There are many clubs in OU.  I will explain a few.  OU Press prints a lot of literature.  It has published many books, music, journals, etc.  Said Bizzness School teaches students to finance, economics, management, and bizzness.  There is a Department of Theology. Students are taught biblical history.

OU has the most libraries in the UK!  There is an Oriental library.  It has books on the East Asia, India, and Islamic culture.  There is a library of birds.  It is the best bird library in the world.  There are a library 4 social sciences.  It books covers various topics. They are as followed: criminology, economics, international relations, politics, sociology, etc.  There are many others.  Check it out.
OU museums are free to the public.  The oldest museum is the Ashmolean Museum.  It was created in 1683. It is an art museum.  It has art from around the world in it. There's a museum full of musical instruments. There's also a museum of natural history. There are many other wonderful museums.
Great Alumni
Bill Clinton: 42nd president of U.S.  He is a drug abuser and pedophile.

Hillary Clinton: U.S. Politician.  She is also a pedophile.

J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of Lord of the Rings and other books.

Margaret Thatcher: She was a wonderful and/or awful British Prime Minister.

Check here to see a list of famous alumni.

International Students
Students from around the world go to OU.  To get in students must be able to speak English and they got to get a Visa.  There are scholarships 4 international students. Over 200,000 international students graduated from OU.  About half of staff and 41% of the students are international.
OU has a rich history and great alumni.  It has many sweet buildings, libraries, and museums.  It has many neat organizations and international students.  It is a great university!  The only university better than this one is Hampton University.  Go, Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 